
  RESULTS: Harborne and District 401 Summer League:Division One:- Old Mill 4 (A.Kilburn 135,125,100, S.Frost 135,108b,2×100, N.Malem 130b,100b,100, R.Waldron 2×140,125,105b,100, M.McDermott 105, R.Passey 100) Bartley Green F.C. 5 (S.Bourne 140,2×121,120, S.Wenlock 135,100, S.Birkett 125,124, E.Robinson 100, G.Smith 135), Cock Inn


  RESULTS: Brook Meadow Individual League:Week 16:- J.Evans 2 (2×140,125,3×100) M.Elkin 1 (180,140,134,2x100136f), C.Winters 2 (2×135,6×100) G.Clinton 1 (140,125,105,100), D.Field 1 (140,2×100) J.Murray 2 (140,2×100), R.Macken 3 (2×100) K.Kelly 0 (102,2×100), G.Clinton 3 (140,121,100) T.Blakemore 0 (140,122), J.Evans 1 (174,140,2×125,130f)


  RESULTS: Brook Meadow Individual League:Week 15:- A.Sheen 1 (140,135,100) G.Clinton 2 (180,140,118,100), C.Winters 1 (121,3×100) M.Birch 2 (140,130,4×100,13 darts game), M.Elkin 2 (2×140,2×100) J.Murray 1 (135,121,2×100), R.Earl 3 (140,4×100) R.Parry 0 (2×100), R.Heaven 3 (140) T.Blakemore 0, J.Murray 0


  RESULTS: Brook Meadow Individual League:Week 14;- R.Earl 1 (145,140,6×100) I.McFarlane 2 (2×140,111,6×100), C.Winters 3 (128,3×100) T.Blakemore 0 (2×100), M.Birch 3 (3×140,5×100) A.Sheen 0 (2×100), D.Field 1 (140,100) J.Whitehouse 2 (180,140,120,2×100), K.Kelly 0 (2×140,125,100) J.Evans 3 (2×180,140,2×100), R.Heaven 1 (140,2×121,100)


  RESULTS: Harborne and District 401 Summer League:Division One:- Midland Red 6 (T.McGlone 3×140,134,100, P.Brotherton 180,140,2×100, J.Steadman 3×100, B.Hadley 103, D.Bourne 140,120b,120,100b,2×100, J.Meredith 100, R.Kinsella 140,100) Smethwick Labour Club 3 (L.Hackett 100, G.Johnston 123,4×100, A.Arnold 180,100,10 darts game, V.Gould 140,120b,100,


  RESULTS: Sheldon and District Winter League:Doubles Knockout:Last Sixteen:- S.Winters (100,140) / P.Henderson (Saltley Amateur Gardeners) 2 M.Noonan (100) / A.McCrave (100,105f,122 – Banbury Club) 1, R.South (100,140) / M.Heaven (140 – Mackadown Social) 2 D.Field (100) / R.Heaven (Mackadown


  RESULTS: BDO Inter Counties Championship:Premier Division:Warwickshire v Cheshire 27-9:(Warwickshire names first):Men’s ‘A’:- R.Hawker 3 G.Welding 2, D.Buckley 1 P.Boughey 3, D.Harris 0 A.Lewis 3, T.Ryan 3 V.Kumar 1, M.Carter 3 I.White 2, K.Dowling 3 R.Arrowsmith 2, T.Aldridge 3 A.Boulton


  RESULTS: BDO Inter Counties Championship:Premier Division:Warwickshire v Cheshire 27-9:(Warwickshire names first):Men’s ‘A’:- R.Hawker 3 G.Welding 2, D.Buckley 1 P.Boughey 3, D.Harris 0 A.Lewis 3, T.Ryan 3 V.Kumar 1, M.Carter 3 I.White 2, K.Dowling 3 R.Arrowsmith 2, T.Aldridge 3 A.Boulton


    RESULTS: BDO Inter Counties Championship:Division Three:Bedfordshire v West Midlands 21-15:(Bedfordshire names first):Men’s ‘A’:- A.Keen 2 I.Jones 3, K.Durrant 1 D.Thorpe 3, M.Reed 2 D.Robbins 3, L.Poulton 2 S.Kendrick 3, P.Orchard 1 M.James 3, P.Warwick 3 L.Frazer 1, B.Rhodes


  RESULTS:- Four Oaks and District League:Match 21:- Midland Red 5 (B.Linnecore 101b,125,100f,8 darts game, M.Wild 140,100, T.Lewis 121, G.Bushell 100b, R.Hawker 140, I.Scattergood 120b, M.Corfield 100, J.Kavanagh 100,140, P.Sands 140) Barn Social 4 (G.Drew 123, J.Figgitt 100b, J.West 121,120b,3×100,