
  RESULTS: Harborne and District 401 Summer League:Division One:- Smethwick Labour Club 8 (P.Hadley 112b,100, A.Arnold 140,138,125f, M.Tibbetts 100, V.Gould 140,2x100b,4×100, M.Tedstone 2×100, D.Hadley 125, L.Hackett 109b,100, F.Murphy 100, D.Hackett 116b, A.Stevens 105b,100) Quinton Members Club Flights 1 (D.Singleton 100,


  RESULTS:- Harborne and District 401 Summer League:Division One:- Midland Red 9 (D.Bourne 180,2×140, T.McGlone 2×140,120, J.Meredith 140,2×100, P.Brotherton 3×140,105,2×100, R.Kinsella 100b, C.Steadman 140,120) Quinton Members Club Flights 0 (R.Saunders 106b,2×100, J.Harland 2×100, A.Ellis 100, J.Eades 120b,100, M.Harland 100), Smethwick


  RESULTS: Harborne and District 401 Summer League:Division One:- Cock Inn 0 (V.Vigurs 134. S.Knowles 100b,2×100, R.Ellis 120b,100, S.Power 100) Smethwick Labour Club 9 (L.Hackett 2×100, B.Johnson 135, A.Stevens 125, J.Rowley 140, G.Johnston 100, P.Hadley 180,140,100, A.Arnold 140,2×100, M.Tibbetts 157,140,100,


  RESULTS: Brook Meadow Individual League:Match 3:- M.Elkin 3 (140,125,2×100) B.Cooper 0, J.Evans 3 (180,123,100,109f) J.Miley 0 (2×100), G.Clinton 0 (2×140,123,121) I.McFarlane 3 (180,140,5×100,12 darts game), M.Birch 3 (140,6×100) J.Murray 0 (3×100), B.Cooper 2 (140,100) S.Winters 1 (2×140,125,100), K.Kelly 1


  RESULTS: Harborne and District 401 Summer League:Division One:- George 5 (D.Simpson 2x112b,5×100, A.Powell 2×135,4×100, T.Cannon 140,2×100, E.Greaseley 140,3×100, W.Kernohan 2×100) Midland Red 4 (M.Littleford 2×140,100b,3×100, P.Brotherton 160b,135,123,101b,2×100, D.Bourne 140,120b,3×100, T.McGlone 2×125,123,2×100, J.Steadman 100, R.Kinsella 140,118,2×100), Old Mill 2 (D.Peace


  RESULTS: Harborne and District Summer League:Division One:- Smethwick Labour Club 5 (V.Gould 3×140,118,2×100, F.Murphy 105b, A.Stevens 120,100, A.Arnold 180,118b,112b,105,5×100, P.Hadley 2×140,125,112b, G.Johnston 100, M.Tedstone 100b,3×100) Midland Red 4 (R.Kinsella 120b,106,2×100, P.Brotherton 121,112f,2×100, M.Littleford 105,3×100, D.Bourne 140,139,100b,3×100, T.McGlone 155f,110f,3×100), Bartley


  RESULTS: Harborne and District 401Summer League:League Cup:- Bartley Green F.C. 3 (S.Birkett 2×140, E.Robinson 2×100, S.Bourne 2×125,120b,2×100, P.O’Neill 3×100, S.Wenlock 100) George 6 (B.Cowan 2×100, M.Ingram 125,100, K.Bambrick 131,100, D.Simpson 3×100, A.Powell 3×100, T.Cannon 140,2×100, E.Greasely 100b, S.Heath 120,100,


  RESULTS:- Brook Meadow Individual League:Singles Knockout:Preliminary Round:- J.Evans 3 (140,125,112,4×100) J.Murray 0 (2×140,123,2×100), Last Sixteen:- R.Parry 2 (2×140,125,115,5×100) A.Sheen 3 (2×140,125,100,113f), M.Elkin 3 (140,2×100) R.Heaven 0 (140,125,100), S.Winters 3 (140,135,5×100) D.Field 0 (3×100), M.Birch 3 (180,135,100,14 darts game) K.Kelly


  RESULTS: G.U.L.P. Charity League:Week 9:- Tigers 7 (Matt Cooper 136, 100, C.Wyatt 120b, 2×100, M.Birch 140, 3×100, T.Comerford 103, 100) Lions 0 (J.Francis 100, J.Crawley 110b, E.Bullock 125, D.Howlet 100), Red Devils 7 (P Hartland 120b, J.Taylor 105f, 100,


  RESULTS: Harborne and District 401 Summer League:Division One:- Midland Red 6 (D.Bourne 121,101b,2×100, T.McGlone 121,120b,3×100, C.Steadman 140,100, J.Meredith 137,2×100, P.Brotherton 140,100, M.Littleford 100, R.Kinsella 140,120b,100) Bartley Green F.C. 3 (P.O’Neill 100, S.Wenlco 140,137,2×100, S.Bourne 135,100b,100, S.Birkett 120b, G.SMith 110),