
Sheldon and District Summer League:Mrs F.Richman Cup:Quarter Finals:- Shirley RBL Flights 1 (K.Hopton 125,100,135, M.Bown 104f, D.Heskey 140, J.O’Sullivan 140, K.Murray 2×100) Highwood ‘A’ 6 (P.Evans 100, T.Constable 3×100, P.Austin 6×100,139, J.Buckingham 2×100, S.Harding 2×140,100, A.Tootill 2×100,130), George V ‘A’


Sheldon and District Summer League:Week 9:Group One:- Riley’s Castle Vale 7 (T.Frost 2×121,140,3×100,180,125, I.McFarlane 3×100,126,123,140, T.Comerford 170, L.Barberan 4×100,140, M.Gallett 2×140,100, M.Birch 140,2×100 J.Burdett 116,140,110) Highwod Arrows 1 (P.Austin 3×100,180, P.Evans 2×100,121,2×140, T.Constable 125,4×100, D.Kelley 121, A.Parvez 140,125, J.Buckingham 140,135,2×100,


Sheldon and Distict Summer League:Week 8:Group One:- Highwood Arrows 6 (P.Milmoore 2×140,2×100, P.Austin4x100, T.Constable 4×100,105f, P.Evans 100,127, J.Buckingham 140,121,125f) Sheldon Dukes 2 (M.Hicks 125, P.Sunner 100, T.Fazakerley 100,140, S.Edwards 140, L.Molyneux 2×100, C.Grimes 2×100, P.Curry 140,100), Riley’s – Solihull 1


Sheldon and District Summer League:Mrs F.Richman Cup:Round Two:- Crown at Olton 5 (A.Hutchings 5×100,140, B.Nixon 140,2×100,136, John Sidwell 140,135,100, D.Duncan 140) Centurion 2 (K.Green 114, G.Green 100), Old Bill and Bull 3 (R.Lucas 3×100,125, D.Wright 100, J.Cowie 3×100, L.Jones 2×100,


Sheldon and District Summer League:Week 6:Group One:- Riley’s at Castle Vale 7 (M.Birch 2×100,125, J.Burdett 110,101,5×100, T.Frost 2×140,2×100,121,123, T.Comerford 100, I.McFarlane 140, M.Gallett 2×140,100,137,10 darts game) Sheldon Dukes 1 (P.Curry 140,125, T.Fazakerley 3×100, L.Molyneux 140,2×125,2×100, P.Sunner 140,100,125), Highwood Arrows 5


Warley League:Mixed Doubles Knockout:Preliminary Round:- A.Thomas / K.Hopton beat S.Perkins / L.Hackett, D.Walter / D.Mee beat M.Todd / A.McDermott, E.Jones / W.Armstrong beat / K.Adam / C.Adam, N.Turner / T.Hood beat K.Turner / J.Turner, K.Hopton / K.Atkiss beat C.Perkins /


Sheldon and District Summer League:Mrs F.Richman Cup:Round One:- Shirley RBL Flights 6 (K.Hopton 100,140, A.Stuart 2×100,140,120f, M.Bown 2×100,116,125,140, J.Bown 100, H.Heskey 2×100, F.Cotsford 140, J.O’Sullivan 125,3×100) New Firs Flights 1 (M.McFall 140,3×100, C.McFall 100,135, S.O’Donnell 140,2×100, A.Gallett 100,140, T.Fitzpatrick 120,100,


EBAHA Double Top League:- Kerry Enefer 1 Andy Grieve 2 (113), Matt Cooper 3 (3×100, 2×140,177) Jackie Francis 0, Dave Carter 3 (2×100,125,140) Sheila Carter 0 (112), Martin Cooper 3 (2×100) Jackie Francis 0, Will Carter 3 (100) Tammy Brown


Sheldon and District Summer League:Week 4:Group One:- Highwood Arrows 3 (P.Austin 2×100, A.Parvez 136,100,140, P.Milmoore 100, T.Constable 2×100,125, S.Harding 2×140,100) Riley’s – Castle Vale 5 (T.Frost 2×100,180, M.Gallett 3×100, M.Birch 121,100, L.Barberan 2×100,136, I.McFarlane 131,2×100,137, J.Burdett 140,100), Crown at Olton