Riley’s BDO Inter Counties Championships:Premier:Division:Warwickshire v Lancashire (19-17):(Warwickshire names first):Men’s ‘A’:- Tom Aldridge 4 Douggie Smith 2, Dean Stewart 2 Eddie Dootson 4, Ian McFarlane 2 Martin Atkins 4, David Sanders 0 Stephen Bunting 4, Noel Grant 4 Paul Cartwright
South Birmingham League:Knockout Cup:- Riley’s Kings 7 (W.Naylor 100b,121,100, M.Naylor 2×100, J.Frost 177,140,120b,100, M.Gallett 112b, K.Smith 2×100, M.Birch 120b,100,10 darts game, B.Cadby 140,2×100, C.Betteridge 140,125,100) Banbury Flights 2 (J.Gallagher 105b, W.Cooper 2×100,140, P.Wilde 121, B.Hoey 102b,2×100, P.Harvey 100, D.Cooper 108), Mackadown
Four Oaks and District League:Match 8:Division One:- Drakes Drum 8 (C.Turnbull 116b,121,100,125, J.Clarke 112f, K.Lumby 100, A.Day 120b,4×100) Old Oscott WMC 1 (C.Hawkley 2×100, D.Higgins 115b,120b, D.Parsons 100b,125,4×100,120f, J.Tolley 100b, J.Higgins 112b,100, N.Hawkley 140,100), Sutton Sports 6 (M.Ashton 120b,118,100,3×140, R.Hawker
Netherton Thursday Night League:- Pensnett and Bromley 7 White Swan 2, Rose and Crown 6 Brickmakers ‘A’ 3, Brickmakers ‘B’ 3 Prince of Wales 6, Fairfield 2 Springfield Social Club 7, The Bell 4 Chainmakers 5, Bull and Bladder 3
Four Oaks and District League:Challenge Cup:Round One:- Anvil Nomads 7 (L.Perks 120, T.Taylor 100, D.Walton 112b,2×140,100,109f, T.Tyrie 2×100,140, D.Jones 125, G.Gaughan 112b,100) Brookvale Social 2 (D.Lowe 100, R.Blaney 2×100, R.Kelly 100, W.Naylor 140,2×100,137), Boldmere Sports 3 (A.Seadon 100b, I.lloyd 100,
Four Oaks and District League:Match 7:Division One:- Old Oscott Arrows 6 (R.Hughes 101b, A.Lea 100, M.Compton 100, J.Frost 100b,2×100,135,140, M.Maher 100, A.Mountford 2x120b,100,140, E.Atkins 106b) Old Oscott WMC 3 (J.Tolley 137,100, G.Cornbill 100, A.Cole 105, D.Parsons 140b,4×100, C.Hawkley 140), Sutton
Riley’s BDO Inter Counties Championships:Premier Division:Gwent v Warwickshire (17-19):(Gwent names first):Men’s ‘A’:- Lyndon Gore 1 Nigel Heydon 4, Nick Kenny 4 David Sanders 0, Jesse Heal 4 Richard Foster 1, Neil Lewis 4 Robert Hawker 3, Peter Johns 4 Noel
Sheldon and District Winter League:Week 9:Premier Division:- Saltley Amateur Gardeners 5 (T.Randell 140,120b, N.Clarke 100,105b, S.Winters 100, T.White 102,100,160b,109,8 darts game, T.Webster 120) Iron Horse 4 (L.Pearce 100, J.Evans 100,122, P.Byrne 100, F.Ensell 100, J.Green 125, D.Kilbey 140), Kingshurst and
Sheldon and District Winter League:Week 8:Premier Division:- Crown at Shard End 4 (K.Deeley 140, M.Cooper 2×100, A.Hoey 140,152b, J.Prince 100) Saltley Amateur Gardeners 5 (G.Thomas 140,105, T.Randell 120b,140, N.Clarke 100,119, A.Caddick 100,140, P.Sinnett 135, T.White 180,8 darts game, T.Webster 180),
Riley’s BDO Inter Counties Championships:Division Two:Somerset v West Midlands (17-19):(Somerset names first):Men’s ‘A’:- Jason Woodyard 3 Mark Rollinson 4, Marcus Knapman 4 Mark Watkiss Allen 0, Steve Werrett 2 Michael Baker 4, Ryan Palmer 4 Neil Pointon 0, Neil Raikes