Kingstanding Double Top League:Week 2:- Will Naylor 4 Steve Cain 1, Dale Savage 0 Pat Koyce 4, Brendan Lysaght 4 (180) Paul Cummins 2, Daniel Munge 0 Mike Mcfall 4, Dave Harrison 0 Barry Stephens 4 (180), Adam Gallett
Winmau Centre Monday Night League:- Cupid Stunts 38 (Ben Forrest 2×180, Sophie Pinches 180, Owen Maiden 180,155f) Yam Yams 10 (Scott Harrison 180), What’s The Point 34 (Michael Evans 180,158f) Not So Far Travellers 14, Mad House 11 The Untouchables
Winmau Centre Monday Night League:- Bully Boys 27 (Roy Blackwell 3×180) Three Men And A Lady 21 (James Owen 2×180, Gemma Jenkins 180, Paul Simmons 143f), John’s Klan 36 Mad House 12 (Daniel Knowles 180), Keep It In The Family
Winmau Centre Monday Night League:- Yam Yams 25 (Dave Barrs 180) Here For The Beer 23 (John Jones 180), What’s The Point 24 (Bob Lockley 180) Bully Boys 24 (John Evans 180), Mad House 16 Not So Far Travellers 32
Tamworth League:- Dolphin ‘B’ 7 Three Tuns ‘B’ (Fazeley) 0, Sports Bar 3 Fox and Dogs 4, Wigginton 4 Mile Oak Rovers 3, Old Liberal House 3 Longwood 4, Three Tuns ‘A’ (Fazeley) 2 Dolphin ‘A’ 5, Globe Inn 7 Sports Bar ‘180’ 0, Mile Oak
Winmau Centre Monday Night League:- Keep It In The Family 23 Yam Yams 25, What’s The Point 41 (Adam Teesdale 180) Double Trouble 7, Three Men And A Lady 22 (James Owen 2×180, Jemma Jenkins 180) The Untouchables 26, Not
Winmau Centre Monday Night League:- Keep It In The Family 48 Double Trouble 0, What’s The Point 29 (Shaun Bould 2×180, Adam Teesdale 180) Three Men And A Lady 19 (James Owen 180, Shane Simmons 180), The Untouchables 33 (Dave
Sheldon and District Winter League:Jubilee Trophy:Last Sixteen:- Kris Green beat Frank Dixon, George Tegg beat Mark Shellis, Alan Mayell beat Clarke Horsley, Chris Grimes beat Paul Collins, Dave Mortiboys beat Diane Shellis, John Whitehouse beat Justin Stokes, Steve Cresser beat
BDO Inter Counties Championships:Premier Division:Warwickshire v Kent (21-15):(Warwickshire names first):Men’s ‘A’:- Tom Aldridge 3 Tyler Reynolds 4, Mark Strong 4 Jordan Dadd 3, Jamie Atkins 2 Peter Allen 4, Bob Nixon 4 Clive Barden 3, Rob Hawker 4 Steve Sidders
Hilltop Friendly Tuesday Night League:Black Country Windscreens Shield:Semi Finals:- Old Hop Pole 6 Jolly Collier 1, Merry-Go-Round 1 The Vine 6, Rearranged League Fixtures:- Island Inn 2 Hayes Social 5, Tipton Sports 3 Sow and Pigs 4. ——————————— Forest of Arden