
RESULTS: Four Oaks and District League:Match 1:Division One:- Golden Hind 8 (W.Naylor 112b,3×100,105, B.Stephens 114b,100) Pint Pot Flights 1 (J.Moon 100, M.Pearson-Bagnall 120b,137,121, L.Lemathy 120b,100), Old Oscott Arrows 7 (P.Locke 2x100b,100,140, D.Parsons 120,2×100,140, D.Page 2×100,180, M.Maher 140) Golden Hind Lions


Shirley and District Monday Night League:Week 1:Division One:- Cider House (D.Palmer 106f) 4 Lodge 5, Saracens Swords 4 Tippets Bar 5, Dunky’s Boys (A.Hutchings 101b) 5 Bears (A.Thomas 120b) 4, Wharf 7 Saracens Misfits 2, Division Two:- Saracens Slingers 4