Sheldon and Distict Summer League:Week 8:Group One:- Highwood Arrows 6 (P.Milmoore 2×140,2×100, P.Austin4x100, T.Constable 4×100,105f, P.Evans 100,127, J.Buckingham 140,121,125f) Sheldon Dukes 2 (M.Hicks 125, P.Sunner 100, T.Fazakerley 100,140, S.Edwards 140, L.Molyneux 2×100, C.Grimes 2×100, P.Curry 140,100), Riley’s – Solihull 1 (M.Heaven 180,6×100, C.Willetts 115, D.Young 140,137, N.Harris 100,125) Riley’s – Castle Vale 7 (M.Gallett 100,140,123, M.Birch 125,116f, T.Frost 121,3×100, J.Burdett 102), Iron Horse 3 (N.Parsonage 125,2×100,180, M.Partridge 180,140,121, J.Evans 2×100,140, J.Green 140,2×100, J.Prince 140,100,125) Crown at Olton 5 (A.Hutchings 140,121,5×100, B.Nixon 3×140, John Sidwell 2×100,140, C.John 140,2×100, D.Duncan 121), Group Two:- Old Bill and Bull 5 (D.Wright 2×100, R.Lucas 2×125,4×100,2×140, S.Darby 3×100, P.Collins 2×100, L.Jones 100, P.Henderson 100) Pavilions 3 (A.Richards 110,2×100, K.Richards 140,124, R.Evans 127, J.Burke 125, M.Turner 100,135), Group Three:- George V ‘A’ 5 (S.Hazlett 8×100,140, S.Palmer 100, C.Horsley 4×100,2×125,131,10 darts game, A.Dews 2×100, P.Horsley 100) Shirley RBL Flights 3 (F.Cotsford 140,100, K.Hopton 140,100, M.Bown 3×100, A.Stuart 125,140,115, S.Heeks 119,100, J.O’Sullivan 100), Holy Souls 4 (G.Fallon 100, Joe Duffy 140, M.O’Sullivan 3×100,135, A.Daly 100,118, D.Heighway 2×100, J.Lucas 100) Ridgemere Flights 4 (Matt Cooper 3×100,140, Martin Cooper 2×100,140, D.Carter 2×100,105, P.Yardley 140), Group Four:- Sheldon Social 2 (J.Toney 100, M.Tilley 2×100,180, P.Crook 2×100, C.Cotter 100, J.Phipps 100) Custard House ‘A’ 6 (N.Wykes 140,100, A.Wale 100, A.Fisher 2×100, C.Austin 121, W.Donaldson 100), Scanlons 5 (D.Duggan 4×100, C.Thomas jnr 2×140,125, D.Duggan 3×100, C.Okey 121,100, A.Thomas 100,140,102f, K.Duggan 100) Langley Hall Sports and Social 3 (D.Tudor 100,121, D.Jelley 2×100,115,125,140, M.Mulryan 100), Willclare Sports and Social 3 (B.Dixon 2×100, G.Ferguson 116, B.Moore 140, J.Thomas 100, D.Allen 135,2×100, A.Wilcock 133, D.Reid 2×100, J.Allen 116) Crown Arrows 5 (R.Hopkins 2×100,140, S.Moran 100, J.Morrison 100, I.James 140,2×100), Group Five:- Shirley RBL Misfits 2 (C.Deery 123, J.Phillips 140,100, A.Hoy 100, M.Hodgson 100, R.Randle 100) Shard End Social 6 (P.Clougher 140, M.Kirwan 2×125,101, J.Gaskin 115,100, N.Rhodes 2×100, M.Powers 111,115,100, S.Hall 100, D.Evans 125), Custard House Flights 0 (D.Dodd 100, P.Webster 100, R.Needham 100) Centurion 8 (K.Green 4×100,140,137, G.Green 100,140,125, D.Whitehouse 2×100, M.Farquharson 2×100, A.Homer 100, K.Loveridge 135), Highwood KB’s 3 (T.Hobbis 140,5×100, D.Hunt 100, N.Byrne 100, A.Cooke 135,140) Small Heath Amateur Gardeners 5 (P.Cornes 121,100,140), Group Six:- Greville Arms 3 (A.Hawkins 100, M.Stansfield 116, K.Mann 100, K.Hull 2×100) George V ‘B’ 5 (D.Sutton 180,127, M.Osborne 100,121,140, J.Bosworth 100,134, J.Hinson 134, G.King 100), Ivy Leaf Flights 1 (R.Harrison jnr 100, C.Harrison 100, D.O’Neil 125) Ridgemere Arrows 7 (A.Bailey 3×100, B.Bailey 100, C.Sherwin 100, D.Davies 140,3×100, T.Jenkins 123, D.Onley 138), Meadway Sports and Social 3 (R.Fenton 100, A.Weston 118,120, R.Congrave 140, S.Bennett 100,101) Ivy Leaf ‘B’ 5 (R.Birch 100, M.Mitchell 100, D.Carey 135,100, S.Healy 171, E.Foster 140, J.Sharpe 100).
Camp Hill League:- Redhill Tavern 3 Scruffy’s Ringers 4, Waggoners 5 Roosters 2, Forgers 4 Custard House 3, Devils Club 5 Langley Ladies 2, Langley Lads 7 Crown Arrows 0.
Pip Club League:Sports Bar Knockout Shadow Cup:Finals:Division One:- Belgrave Club beat Birchmoor Club, Division Two:- Sports Bar ‘180’ beat Travellers.
Forest of Arden Summer League:League Cup:Quarter Finals:- Riley’s Flights 6 Highwood KB 1, Crown Arrows 4 Riley’s Wings 3, Ivy Leaf 3 Riley’s Red Arrows 4.
Sutton and District Summer League:Week 15:Division One:- Sutton Park Hotel 3 (T.Comerford 101b,120b, B.Lysaght 129,100,100b, N.Harris 136,100) Anvil Nomads 6 (P.Guesford 100b,125,100f, M.Kemble 2×100,139, G.Gaughan 2×100, T.Taylor 100), Fox Flights 4 (C.Millward jnr 112b, P.A.Season 108b,100, M.Gallett 100,140, M.Archer 119,105f,140, A.Gallett 123, C.Woodroffe 2×100, C.Packer 140,127) Sutton Sports 5 (D.Vickers 100, J.Kavanagh 103b,100, T.Vickers 150b,100, A.Parvez 100,120f, T.Lewis 100, B.Linnecor 100,137, L.Vickers 100), Division Two:- White Lion 3 (M.O’Driscoll 125,120, M.Bruin 140, I.Taylor 100,125,140, G.Redfern 101b,100,140) Oscott Social 6 (K.Shorthouse 121,116,118,100, P.Graham 100b,120f,125, G.Bushell 3×100,120b), Pint Pot Flights 3 (N.Gilbert 2×100,140,125, M.Bagnall 2×100, H.Smith 100, J.Moon 120b) Old Oscott WMC 6 (D.Parsons 3×100,111, M.Wood 117, C.Hawkley 140,105,100, N.Hawkley 2×100), Erdington Arrows 2 (M.Kenny 101b,2×100,140, J.Armstrong 100, R.Bazeley 124,2×100, J.J.Armstrong 140, J.West 105b) Pint Pot Nomads 7 (D.Baker 2×100,112b,104, B.Godfray 100, N.Robbins 137,2x105b,121,131, J.Vickers 105,140), Division Three:- Deer’s Leap Stags 7 (K.Lambeth 100, B.Wall 100, D.Pickering 2×100, T.Ross 160b,100, G.Kimberley 121,140) Bromford Club 2 (D.Edkins 101, J.Miller 119), Rearranged Fixtures:- Bromford Club 3 (K.Taylor 100, B.Taylor 2×100, M.Taylor 114b,111b,100) Pint Pot Arrows 6 (P.Wilkes 105b,100,121,140, L.Lemathy 140,101), Deer’s Leap Stags 3 (S.Baker 100, S.Kelly 100, G.Kimberley 105,100,180,122b, S.Spink 2×140) Drakes Drum 6 (C.Turnbull 110b, R.Hasluck 100, K.Lumby 140,136b,2×100, A.Day 101b,100b,100, M.Pearce 2x120b,140, M.Bowles 136b), Bishop Vesey 5 (D.Sammons 100,140, C.Sammons 2x116b,100, M.Hall 108,100b,100, T.Pringle 100b,2×100) Plough and Barrows 4 (S.Gow 101b,105b,128, A.Martin 140, A.Humphriss 121, P.Opieler 100b,100, G.Parry 100, C.Davies 120), Friendlies:- Old Oscott Arrows 5 (R.Hughes 100, A.Lea 2×100,125,140, E.Atkins 3×100, M.Maher 2×100,140, M.Page 102,116) Red Lion Flights 4 (J.Collins 2×100,125, A.Ashford 100, D.G.Bond 160b,122,2×100,140, S.Andrews 101b,115,120b,120f, B.Hughes 112b).