The Individual League:Week 5:- Ktistian Green 1 Steve Cousins 2 (1–,12-b_, Rick Barberan 1 (135) Robbie Earle 2 (140), George Green 1 (100) Steve Cousins 2 (2×100), Luis Barberan 1 (2×100) Robbie Earle 2 (3×100), George Green 2 (100) Terry Blakemore 1 (100), Kristian Green 0 Ian McFarlane 3 (140,107,100), George Green 0 Ian McFarlane 3 (140), Steve Cousins 3 Terry Blakemore 0, Steve Cousins 2 (100) Mark Elkin 1 (100), Terry Blakemore 1 (101b) Mark Elkin 2, Rick Barberan 0 Luis Barberan 3 (100,180).


Sheldon and District Winter League:Week 20:Premier Division:- Iron Horse 4 (J.Green 100, J.Burdett 105b,107b, T.Rainsford 100b, C.Hough 115b, D.Mortiboys 140, R.Parry 180,100,122,110b) Olton RBL 5 (M.Wall 140, A.Hutchings 100b,100,101f, J.Sidwell 105b, P.Higgins 115b,180,120b,100, S.Kennedy 100), Sheldon Dukes 5 (M.Hicks 140,100, T.Fazakerley 140, P.Sunner 140, L.Molyneux 125,140, G.Hill 100b,100,120b, A.Savage 100b,2×100, D.Savage 100) RAFA 4 (T.Price 100b, S.Edwards 100, P.Cornes 120, D.Howlett 112b, A.Price 130,100,135, B.Twist 100), Saltley Amateur Gardeners 7 (S.Winters 121,120, T.Randell 2×140, N.Clarke 117b, T.White 100, P.Allen 100) Red Lion 2 (C.Johnson 123, J.O’Sullivan 120b,100, S.Heeks 100, M.Bown 2×100,131, D.Hesketh 135,123, T.Carter 2×100), Crown ‘A’ 3 (N.Parsonage 102b,100, A.Bray 180, A.Mayell 120b,140, P.Burnham 140, T.Whitehouse 100, G.Stych 121, J.Prince 140, J.Whitehouse 100) Mackadown Social 6 (D.Young 100, D.Marshall 100, C.Hall 140, A.McCrave 100, P.Larden 101b), Division One:- Shirley RBL Misfits 3 (D.Preece 137, A.Ogg 100, F.Cotsford 100, R.Smith 100,121, J.Boyle 120b) Bagot Arms 6 (T.Pedley 100, S.Winters 2×100, A.Thomas 121,140, T.Blakemore 100), Willclare Sports and Social 3 (G.Ferguson 152b, P.Horsley 100, R.Allen 2×100, D.Reid 180) Kingshurst Labour Club 6 (G.Green 140, A.Hoey 100, G.Whitehouse 140,125), Redhill Tavern 5 (T.Constable 103b,100, R.Cridge 103b,100, J.McCaffrey 140,100, G.Tolster 100,101b) Sheldon Social 4 (C.Cotter 148b, P.Cook 100,101b, H.Hunt 100, L.Allwood 100b), Old Bill and Bull 8 (R.Lucas 100, P.Franks 121, N.McCrave 135, I.Durrington 100,108f, J.Buckingham 140,100, P.Stephens 120b,100, P.Goldie 100, P.Henderson 139) Holy Souls 1 (M.O’Sullivan 100,105b,140, D.Heighway 140,100b, T.Daly 100, J.Lucas 100b,100, Joe Duffy 118), Shard End Social 4 (J.Gaskin 2x120b,107, D.Lynch 100b,100, N.Rhodes 100, M.Kirwan 2×100, M.Powers 125, D.Evans 140, A.Burke 100) Yardley Ex Flights 5 (J.Allen 100, R.Simons 140, D.Wright jnr 100, P.White 116, C.Deegan 2×100,105, P.Welch 138), Yardley Ex Colts 4 (P.Hill 140, B.Law 100, J.Darby 100, R.Mason 140,100) Highwood 5 (P.Evans 100, P.Austin 140, P.Milmore 112b,100, R.Palmer 2×100, M.Andrews 100, N.Comerford 123, A.Tootill 120b,140), Division Two:- Glebe Community Association 4 (R.Bunting 125, S.Fold 100, G.Biggs 101, T.Bunting 100, S.Bennett 111,140) Yardley Arms 5 (A.Dews 100b, A.Weston 127, S.Collins 116f, S.Hazlett 100, G.Johnston 100, P.Wright 137, R.Marshman 140), Shannons 9 (S.Carter 140,132, P.Freeman 100, A.Bailey 100, T.Burbidge 100, P.Webster 100) Redhill Tavern Flights 0 (R.Harrison 100, K.Leonard 100, S.Leonard 119), Maggies 4 (I.Lambert 100,100b, J.Carter 100,105, S.Hall 100, J.Johnson 2×100) Custard House 5 (G.Thomas 105b, D.Thomas 100, D.Brown 121), Forget-Me-Not 1 (I.Hunter 121, A.Ashford 130, D.Rawlings 140,100) Yardley and District Darts Team 8 (S.O’Donnell 100, A.Blythe 140, M.McGinn 125,100, S.Austin 121,100b, R.Barberan 101b, M.O’Donnell 100), Small Heath Gardeners Flights 4 (C.Willmot 100, D.Pountney 100, D.Hykin 100, K.Dowling 100, A.Sleath 100) George V 5 (G.King 100b, D.Sutton 112b,104f), Late Result:Week 19:Premier Division:- Scanlons 4 (C.Lucas 100, C.Thomas jnr 105,100, G.Davis 100,135, K.Duggan 116) Iron Horse 5 (J.Green 100, J.Evans 112b,121, D.Kilbey 140, F.Ensell 100, L.Pearce 100, C.Hough 165, D.Mortiboys 122,100).


Four Oaks and District League:Coronation Shield:Semi Finals:- The Fox 8 (J.Frost 140,100,112b,125, K.Shepherd 2×140,100, T.Frost 123, D.Perry 121, R.Stanton 2×100) Sutton Sports 7 (L.Harris 140,2×100, C.Millward 2×100, B.Linnecor 120, S.Paling 140, T.Lewis 124,105, M.Kane 2×100, G.Bushell 160b), Old Oscott Arrows 9 (J.Higgins 101b,100,125, A.Cole 125, A.Lea 2×100, M.Compton 114f) Oscott Social 6 (K.Shorthouse 100,140, L.Shorthouse 100, P.Bricknall 119, R.Bricknall 100, M.Westmorland 140,100, P.Willetts 2×100, C.Leydon 140), Norman Day Cup:Semi Finals:- Deer’s Leap 9 (C.Hollender 100, K.Lambeth 100, T.Ross 100,140, A.Kimberley 105b,121,125, D.Pickering 100, R.Nolan 2×100) Brookvale 6 (S.Lysaght 100,110,109b, M.Driscoll 100, D.Lowe 3×100, R.Blaney 140,100), White Lion 5 (D.Watt 100,120, D.Vickers 121, T.Evans 100, T.Vickers 2×100) Drakes Drum 10 (C.Turnbull 100, D.Kempster 100, J.Hickman 100, A.Mountford 134,100,140, A.Lilley 100, K.Lumby 112b,100).


Forest of Arden Winter League:Week 12:Division One:- Victoria 3 Highwood ‘A’ 6, Greville Arrows 2 Old Bill and Bull 7, Sheldon Arrows 1 Rileys Red Arrows 8, Division Two:- Old Bill and Bull Flights 7 Highwood Kennys Boys 2, Ivy Leaf 5 Greville Arms 4, Harvester 5 Sheldon Flights 4, Rileys Flights 7 Saddlers Arms 2.

