Sheldon and District Winter League:Week 3:Premier Division:- Mackadown Social 5 (D.Marshall 100b, B.Allen 120b, T.Kelly 140,110b, A.McCrave 140, P.Moran 100, D.Young 2x100b, M.Noonan 101b) Olton Rbl 4 (M.Wall 2x136b, John Sidwell 140, B.Vines 125, J.Norris 140,121, S.Kennedy 180,136b,125, P.Higgins 100,120b), Red Lion 5 (C.Johnson 140,100, A.Hoy 120,100, V.Lloyd 100, M.Bown 125, R.Poulter 140, T.Carter 100, M.Byrne 135) RAFA 4 (A.Marriott 2×100, S.Edwards 100, D.Brindley 121, A.Price 2×100), Stechford Social 6 (A.Smith 140,105b, P.Carey 100, W.Townsend 100,103f, C.Sammons 101f, G.McGill 100, A.Greenwood 100, W.Skinner 100) Crown ‘B’ 3 (P.Bryan 123,100, M.Jones 100, J.Morrissey 120, M.Johnson 180), Crown ‘A’ 8 (A.Mayell 140, N.Hogan 101b,140, J.Prince 122,100,100f, T.Whitehouse 140,106f) Scanlons 1 (C.Thomas snr 100b, K.Wilson 100, G.Davis 100,120, K.Duggan 127, C.Thomas jnr 100, C.Okey 140), Saltley Amateur Gardeners 7 (J.Randell 140,100, T.Randell 139,117b, A.Caddick 160b,130,140, S.Winters 135, P.Sinnett 107b,150f, I.McLean 100, T.Webster 116b,137, T.White 120b,110) Iron Horse 2 (J.Green 100,106f, J.Evans 115b,120b, P.Barlow 100, J.Burdett 100,140,105f, T.Rainsford 101, D.Mortiboys 100, D.Kilbey 100), Pavilions 3 (R.Kite 105b, N.Robinson 2x116b,100, A.Woottin 102b, M.Turner 100,127) Sheldon Dukes 6 (M.Hicks 2×140, P.Sunner 100, T.Fazakerley 100, J.Wanless 100, A.Savage 100, L.Molyneux 100), Division One:- Yardley Ex Flights 4 (S.Whadcock 2×100,120, S.White 100) Brook Meadow 5 (M.Cooper 100, T.Pedley 140, A.Gallett 115,100f,105b, J.Smith 121, M.Elkin 2×100, C.Betteridge 140), Vaughans 2 (T.Daly 100, Joe Duffy 180,2×100) Kingshurst Labour Club 7 (G.Green 140, K.Green 2×100, D.Whitehouse 100,180,134, R.Baker 100, G.Whitehouse 100,180, M.Evans 100,120), Sheldon Social 1 (P.Cook 100, C.Cotter 108b,100, J.Toney 100, J.Tough 131, H.Hunt 100b) Highwood 8 (B.Ancorn 107f, P.Austin 100, P.Evans 100,139, P.Milmore 140, D.Humphries 100, S.Heywood 117, A.Tootill 100, A.Cooke 106b), Shard End Social 7 (N.Rhodes 2×100, A.Burke 100, M.Powers 100, M.Kirwan 100b, S.Gaffney 121) Yardley Ex Colts 2 (G.Lawrence 100, S.Darby 140, P.Hill 120b, P.Knowles 130, J.Darby 100,117, R.Mason 100,140), Old Bill and Bull 9 (R.Lucas 100, I.Durrington 120b,100, G.Pagett 100b,112,123, J.Buckingham 100, P.Stevens 2×100) Shirley RBL Misfits 0 (T.Dickens 2×100, D.Ogg 100, D.Preece 100, P.Spencer 104b), Redhill Tavern 3 (T.Constable 100,140, J.McCaffrey 140,100,125, D.Webb 140,105, G.Tolster 119f,9 darts game,2×100, S.Ollerenshaw 105b) Willclare Sports and Social 6 (T.Guest 140, F.Dixon 100, C.Randle 100, P.Horsley 110b,107b, R.Allen 2×100, D.Allen 120b,140, D.Reid 100,125, J.Allen 131), Division Two:- George V 4 (P.Maund 127, J.Bosworth 112b, G.King 140,100, N.Green 100, D.Sutton 2×100,112b) Yardley Arms 5 (G.Johnston 100, M.Ryan 140, S.Collins 100, S.Hazlett 140,100, A.Dews 2×100, J.Marshall 120b,100), Yardley and District Darts Team 7 (M.McGinn 121, A.Blythe 100, L.Barberan 2×100) Redhill Tavern Flights 2 (R.Harrison snr 100), Custard House 6 (R.Vann 120,125,100, A.Wale 100, D.Dodd 100, K.Maloney 138) Ridgemere Social 3 (B.Biggs 100, J.Phipps 157f,100,104f), Forget-Me-Not 6 (W.Griffiths 125, T.Carroll 100, A.Hunter 121, A.Smith 140,127, L.Hunter 121, K.Clarke 100b,100, D.Clark 100) Glebe Community Association 3 (M.Farrell 114, J.Norris 100, C.Perryman 100, M.Askey 140, G.Biggs 100, R.Earl 101b,100,10 darts game, P.Byrne 108), Maggies 6 (B.Swaine 100,102b, W.Swaine 100, B.Carter 100, J.Carter 120, S.Hall 140) Shannons 3 (P.Yardley 100, J.Franklin 100, P.Webster 120,100), Rearranged Match:Week 2:Division Two:- Forget-Me-Not 5 (W.Griffiths 100, C.Kettlewell 100, L.Hunter 134f, D.Clark 140) Maggies 4 (J.Johnston 120,121, B.Swaine 101b), Week 4:Premier Division:- Olton RBL 6 (M.Wall 2×100, A.Hutchings 160b, B.Nixon 140,108, P.Higgins 2×100,100b, C.John 2×100) Red Lion 3 (C.Johnson 100, K.Hopton 120b,121, T.Carter 100, S.Heeks 100), RAFA 5 (D.Howlett 100, D.Brindley 100, A.Price 120b,140) Stechford Social 4 (T.Evans 100,140, P.Carey 131, W.Townsend 125, A.Greenwood 2×100, W.Skinner 2×100), Scanlons 2 (G.Davis 119,100, K.Wilson 100, C.Thomas jnr 140, C.Okey 100) Mackadown Social 7 (B.Allen 140,125, T.Kelly 101,100, D.Marshall 2×100, P.Larden 101b,140,8 darts game,100, M.Noonan 100, P.Moran 140), Iron Horse 3 (J.Green 2×100,113, T.Rainsford 125, D.Kilbey 101b,123, J.Hazell 101,108, C.Hough 100) Crown ’A’ 6 (N.Parsonage 140,100, N.Hogan 101b,116b, G.Williams 110f, P.Burnham 121,136, J.Prince 121, T.Whitehouse 2×10), Sheldon DUkes 3 (P.Sunner 100,130, G.Hill 111, P.Curry 2×100,140, A.Savage 100b, J.Cartmell 132,130, D.Savage 100, C.Grimes 101) Saltley Amateur Gardeners 6 (S.Winters 100, J.Randell 2×100, T.Randell 100b,100, I.McLean 140, J.Lawton 121, T.Webster 100,156b,125,7 darts game, T.White 120b,131), Crown ’B’ 3 (M.Jones 140, J.Gallagher 111, K.Brush 140,101b, M.Johnson 100) Pavilions 6 (B.Scott 100, M.Morgan 2×100, R.Evans 120b, B.Evans 100,125, N.Robinson 140, B.Bourne 113,100, A.Booth 2×100, M.Turner 100b,100), Division One:- Brook Meadow 4 (A.Gallett 100, T.Pedley 100, S.Winters 125,2×100, J.Smith 105, C.Betteridge 100) Vaughans 5 (M.O’Sullivan 140,121, E.Kennedy 123,100, D.Heighway 2×100, T.Daly 105, J.Rafter 140, Joe Duffy 100), Kingshurst Labour Club 5 (G.Green 100, D.Whitehouse 140, A.Hoey 100, G.Whitehouse 100,120,102, M.Evans 135,125, K.Green 118,132) Sheldon Social 4 (P.Cook 100, S.Searle 140,120f, L.Allwood 120b), Yardley Ex Colts 2 (R.Holman 105, G.Lawrence 100, A.Slater 100, R.Mason 2×100) Yardley Ex Flights 7 (S.Whadcock 100, J.Allen 140, R.Simons 102, P.White 115, D.Wright jnr 100,139, D.Wright snr 100,113f,C.Deegan 100, S.White 100, T.Cattell 100b), Shirley RBL Misfits 5 (J.Bown 100, J.Evans 140, T.Dixon 100,129) Shard End Social 4 (A.Burke 100, N.Rhodes 100, P.Clougher 100, S.Gaffney 120,125, P.Burke 124, M.Powers 125), Willclare Sports and Social 2 (T.Guest 100b,120b, C.Randle 100, P.Coughlan 17, D.Allen 112b) Old Bill and Bull 7 (R.Lucas 135,121, P.Pudge 100, G.Pagett 121,100, N.McCrave 100, J.Buckingham 110b, P.Goldie 100,140), Highwood 5 (P.Austin 121, P.Milmore 127, M.Osborne 140,125, P.Evans 102,138, A.Tootill 2×100) Redhill Tavern 4 (E.Bullock 105b, R.Cridge 100, J.McCaffrey 2×140,100, D.Webb 100, G.Tolster 100, S.Ollerenshaw 121,101), Division Two:- yardley Arms 4 (S.Collins 115b, S.Hazlett 112b, A.Dews 140, K.Baldock 100b,100) Yardley and District Darts Team 5 (L.Barberan 140,100, A.Blythe 111,100, C.Davis 101b, J.Brett 106b), Redhill Tavern Flights 3 (R.Harrison snr 140, P.Harvey 121) Custard House 6 (R.Cornish 2×100, R.Cooper 100b), Golden Acres 6 George V 3, Glebe Community Association 3 (P.Byrne 140,100, G.Cutler 140, J.Norris 140,100, M.Askey 134,117, G.Biggs 100, R.Earl 100b,140,100) Small Heath Gardeners Flights 6 (D.Pountney 100b,180, B.Phipps 132, C.Hughes 113, D.Hykin 100b, A.Boyle 100, K.Dowling 100,100b), Shannons 5 (P.Yardley 100,134, P.Ames 100, J.Franklin 115, D.Carter 140, T.Burbridge 100) Forget-Me-Not 4 (L.Hunter 100, A.Smith 120b, D.Clark 2×100), Ridgemere Social 7 (C.Roberts 120,140, J.Husband 137, D.Timmins 101b, J.Phipps 119f) Maggies 2 (J.Johnston 2×100, W.Swaine 120, S.Hall 100,139), Rearranged Matches:Week 1:Division One:- Yardley Ex Colts 5 (R.Holman 100,119, S.Darby 100b, G.Lawrence 100, P.Hill 100, P.Knowles 121,100, R.Mason 2×100) Sheldon Social 4 (H.Hunt 140b, S.Searle 114, P.Cook 125, J.Toney 160b, C.Cotter 120b, S.Hunt 140, T.Roche 100), Willclare Sports and Social 3 (T.Guest 123, F.Dixon 100b, C.Randle 100, D.Reid 140, J.Allen 100,122) Yardley Ex Flights 6 (S.Whadcock 100, J.Allen 180, R.Simons 140, D.Wright jnr 100,126, C.Deegan 108, S.White 100,100b), Punch Bowl:Preliminary Round:- Lea Hall Sports and Social Nomads 4 (M.Tilley 2×100, D.Timmins 120b) Yardley and District Darts Team 5 (L.Barberan 100, S.Winfield 100b, R.Barberan 140), RAFA 5 (A.Marriott 120b, D.Howlett 180, P.Cornes 100, N.Harris 100, D.Brindley 100) Highwood 4 (A.Billingham 100, G.Edwards 100), Pavilions 2 (R.Kite 142b, M.Morgan 100, N.Robinson 100, B.Bourne 100, B.Evans 127, M.Turner 100) Sheldon Dukes 7 (M.Hicks 140, P.Sunner 100,106f,9 darts game, P.Curry 115b,100, L.Molyneux 128, A.Savage 140, J.Cartmell 134, C.Grimes 100), Shard End Social 5 (A.Burke 101b,100,100f,8 darts game, M.Kirwan 100b,100) Small Heath Gardeners 4 (D.Pountney 100, C.Hughes 100).
Pip Club League:180 Cup:Round One:- Gate Inn (Amington) lost to Two Gates Club, Old Liberal lost to North Warwick Cricket Club, Kettlebrook Club beat Polesworth Darts Club, Semi Finals:- Two Gates Club beat North Warwick Cricket Club, Kettlebrook Club beat Red Lion ’B’.
Harborne and District 401 League:- Smethwick Labour Club 3 (P.Hadley 152b,2×100,112b,140, M.Tedstone 100b,100,139, A.Beagrie 121, A.Arnold 3×100,121, V.Gould 100b,4×100,140,112f,125, D.Arnold 140, L.Butler 100,140) Hillyfields ’B’ 6 (D.Bourne 3×100,121,139, M.Lyden 122,100, T.McGlone 100b,3×100,111f,140,120f, T.Hamilton 125,100,140,123, S.Passetti 140,4×100,105b, P.Watkins 3×100,140,180), Hillyfields ’A’ 7 (K.Drain 140,120b, A.D.Flanagan 3×100,125, A.Flanagan 3×100,140, G.Wilkes 2×100, C.Murphy 100) Bell Inn ’A’ 2 (B.Hadley 2×100,124,121,102f, T.Cannon 3×100, M.T.Ingram 2×100), Quinborne Social ’A’ 8 (J.Hykin 2×100, S.Bourne 140, J.Best 4×100,125,130f, A.Hykin jnr 3×100,100b, D.Jones 140, P.Blades 2×100, C.Steadman 120b,2×100) Quinborne Social ’B’ 1 (R.Horden 140, D.Horden 100b, M.Bayliss 100, J.Sloggie 100, A.Gibbs 100), Old Crown 3 (D.Harland 100, D.Marsh 5×100,140, M.Poolton 124, A.Vaughan 100,115,112b, T.Walton 2×100,140, K.Vaughan 120b) Quinton Members Club 6 (J.Kearns 121,111b, J.Hykin 118f, B.Holder 100, T.Featherstone 140, G.Holton 121), Avenue Social 2 (L.Perkins 100, P.J.Hopkins 105, V.Gilliland 100, L.Grant 124,105b, M.Hopkins 140) Thimbermill 7 (P.Green 140,100, P.Brookes 3×100, M.Perry 2×140,100,120b, G.Johnston 4×100), Bell Inn ’B’ 8 (J.Meredith 120b,140,100, P.Bishop 120b,4×100,140, T.Brennan 100,100b,180, M.Littleford 2×140,120b,3×100, W.Armstrong 100b,125,121, D.Insley 105,2×100,121, B.Gillies 2×125) Bartley Green F.C. 1 (R.O’Neill 100,125,140, S.Wenlock 140,108b, R.Broadhurst 140,125, K.Pemberton 2×140,105b,177,100, S.Howard 3×100, P.O’Neill 3×100).
Gulp League:- Trotters 2 St Andrews 5, Pickwick 3 Roost 4, Clements 4 Beasts 3, Shaftmoor 2 Rebbels 5, Who’s 2 Lions 5, Tribe 1 Devils 6.
Small Heath League:- Wagon and Horses 5 Redhill Tavern 4, Beaufort Social Club 6 Emerald Club 3, Mitre 7 Custard House 2.
Four Oaks and District League:Week Two:Division One:- White Lion 5 (T.Evans 2×100,125, T.Vickers 101f,2×100, G.Redfern 100, D.Vickers 100) Cross Keys PPA 4 (D.Jarvis snr 3×100,101b,180, D.Lafferty 120, T.O’Kereke 2×100,120b, K.Jarvis 140, A.Whitehouse 2×100,140), Cross Keys Arrows 7 (A.Pritchett 140,107b,100,135,152b, M.Corfield 2x120b,109,100,125, D.Jarvis 125, R.Green 4×100,140, S.Davey 100,100b, D.Pritchett 115,100, P.Koyce 100,180) Old Oscott Arrows 2 (M.Compton 3×100,121,140, A.Cole 100,100f, E.Atkins 100b,100, J.Higgins 101b, R.Kenyon 101b,2×100, A.Lea 2×100,140, M.Maher 100), Sutton Sports 5 (S.Paling 2×140,100, L.Harris 112b,2×100,152b,180,10 darts game, C.Millward 103b,140, R.Hawker 2×100,122, M.Wild 140f,120,2×100,125) Sportsmans Rest 4 (D.Keatley 109b,100, D.Watkins 109b,149b,3×100, T>.Kelly 100, T.Pedley 140, J.Dunn 140, A.Stainfield 100, J.Collins 100,114,108b), Boldmere Sports 5 (A.Day 110f,100b,116f,100,140, P.Newman 123,100, C.Morgan 120b, I.Lloyd 100, A.Jarvey 100, L.Ledward 133) Anvil Nomads 4 (P.Guesford 100b, M.Kemble 108b, N.Harley 115b,100, W.Chinn 2×100, M.Gaughan 137,100, G.Gaughan 100,112f,112b), Division Two:- Deer’s Leap 5 (A.Kimberley 100,140,100b,180, M.Holder 101,100, C.Hollander 100,120,137, T.Ross 102,4×100, K.Lambeth 125,100,101,121, R.Nolan 112b) Aston Social 4 (J.West 4×100, G.Lynch 125,122, R.George 105,2×100,100b,140), Old Oscott WMC 7 (G.West 2×100, A.Haynes 120b, J.Tolley 101, P.Burgess 140,100, D.Fletcher 121, N.Hawkley 140) Deer’s Leap Stags 2 (R.Sargent 121, C.Kimberley 117b, Deathridge jnr 120, S.Mobsby 2×100), Pint Pot Flights 6 (J.Moon 115b,100, M.Watts 109f, J.Mutch 134,131,120, W.Mynard 3×100,120b) Pint Pot 3 (L.Almay 100, M.O’Driscoll 2×100, P.Southall 100,140, R.Baker 2x112b,140,100,126, C.Harris 100, L.Clarke 100), The Fox 5 (R.Stanton 4×100,102,180, D.Perry 121,113, J.Harris 140, S.Buffery 100, T.Frost 100,160b,140, K.Shepherd 140,112b) Fox and Dogs 4 (P.Smith 100,140,125, M.Haigh 112b, C.Packer 100, N.Robbins 127,125,100), Division Three:- Bromford Social 1 (M.Taylor 105,100, D.Sargent 126f, B.Taylor 100, D.M.Edkins 116b,100) White Lion Barrels 8 (K.Redfern 100,135,180, P.Gee 140, S.Rowsbottom 3×100,120b,2×125, R.Kench 100, J.Hepburn 121, A.Hurt 101b), Drakes Drum 8 (D.Haynes 100,105f, A.Lilley 100,140,105f, M.Pearce 100, C.Turnbull 2×100,116f,140, M.Bowles 125,2×100, D.Kempster 142) Reddicap Tavern 1 (T.Barron 112b,129,125, T.Tyrie 4×100), Royal Oak 5 (M.Kenny 120b,140,105f,9 darts game, A.Howes 100, B.Hicks 2×100, K.Dean 3×100, M.Phillips 2×100, J.Neal 125,100) Brookvale 4 (S.Lysaght 101,100, D.Lowe 140,2×100,180, M.Driscoll 102b, J.Yates 140), Yew Tree Old Boys 5 (J.Wickett 4×100, T.Birkett 139, P.Morris 2×100, P.Donovan 180) Boldmere Flights 4 (A.Mytton 100b,120b, M.Mitchell 100b,125, I.Scattergood 103b,101, K.Smith 120b).