Brook Meadow Individual League:Week 4:- I.McFarlane 3 (145,3×140,139,3×100) R.earl 1 (3×140,2×100), M.Gallett 1 (2×140,139,135,3×100) T.Frost 3 (180,4×140,5×100,122f), T.Blakemore 3 (120) J.Masefield 1 (140,139), I.McFarlane 4 (2×140,105,10×100) D.McCauley 0 (121,4×100), A.Gallett 2 (2×140,139,3×100) I.McFarlane 2 (9×100), M.Elkin 2 (2×140,130,3×100) J.Smith 2 (3×140,100), R.Earl 1 (140,4×100) G.Clinton 3 (140,134,125,100), T.Frost 3 (140,125,123,5×100,100f) K.Kelly 1 (140,120,2×100), R.Macken 3 (180,125,105,4×100) I.McFarlane 1 (177,2×140,3×100,100f), M.Gallett 4 (2×140,125,123,3×100) J.Evans 0 (3×100), A.Gallett 4 (2×140,2×100) J.Masefield 0 (140), T.Blakemore 0 (3×100) T.Frost 4 (180,3×140,6×100,12 darts game), M.Elkin 0 (5×100) D.McCauley 4 (135,3×100), R.Macken 3 (180,2×140,134,121,4×100) K.Kelly 1 (3×140,125,3×100), J.Smith 4 (121,115,2×100) J.Masefield 0, J.Evans 3 (140,125,120,3×100) G.Clinton 1 (2×140,2×100).


Sheldon and District Summer League:Mrs F.Richman Trophy:Round One:- Hen and Chickens 4 (K.Duggan 140, A.Hawkins 121) Millhouse 3 (M.Shellis 134, S.Hazlett 103, A.Dews 140), Castle Vale Residents Association 5 (T.Hedley 111, B.cadby 140) Kinghurst Labour Club 2 (M.Morgan 125,140, G.Whitehouse 105f,125), RAFA 1 (T.Price 140, D.Howlett 135, B.Edwards 140, A.Price 140) Brook Meadow 6 (C.Winters 121,140, I.McFarlane 140, M.Birch 123,127,140, M.Elkin 137, K.Kelly 121), Yardley Ex Colts 4 (P.Hill 2×140) Vaughans 3 (K.Murray 121, D.Heoghway 116), Sheldon Dukes 4 (M.Hicks 140, J.Cartmell 140, C.Grimes 140) Shard End RBL ’B’ 3 (C.Horsley 121, T.Whitehouse 180, J.Prince 103, A.Grianger 140, P.Stevens 121,117), Lea Hall Sports and Social 2 (T.Healy 140, J.Husband 121, C.Westwood 111) Mackadown Social 5 (B.Allen 121,125, T.Kelly 137,140,123, W.Taylor 121, A.Sheen 135), Saltley Amateur Gardeners 7 (T.Randell 3×125,11 darts game, J.Evans 122,108f, A.Caddick 140, P.Randell 2×140, T.Webster 2×140) Old Bill and Bull 0 (P.Goldie 140, K.Yapp 121), Small Heath Amateur Gardeners 4 (M.Bayliss 140, A.Boyle 125, B.Harrison 119,125) Golden Acres 3 (K.Fisher 125), Willclare Sports and Social 2 (C.Randell 140, J.Allen 150, P.Durrant 180) Olton RBL 5 (A.Hutchings 140, K.Attwood 121,140, D.Duncan 121, P.Nunn 140), Yardley Ex Flights 3 (R.Simons 125, D.Wright 125, M.Byrne 132, C.Deegan 140,118) Hobs Meadow 4 (J.Buckingham 180, P.Maund 107), Banbury Club 4 (M.Noonan 140,137f, K.O’Connor 113) G;ebe Farm Community Association 3 (C.Perryman 140), Iron Horse 2 (F.Ensell 134, R.Parry 139, J.Green 125) Bromford Bridge Members Club 5 (J.Burdett 120, R.Macken 125, T.Frost 2×140, M.Kane 180,140), Shard End RBL ’A’ 1 (P.Bryan 140, J.Morrissey 112f, N.Robinson 140) Shirley RBL 6 (C.Johnson 140, A.Stuart 2×140, K.Hopton 140, M.Bown 121, D.Hesketh 123, K.Bygrave 140), Sedgemere Social 4 (D.Doak 140,134, M.Mitchell 156) Custard House 3 (R.Walton 140), Sheldon Social 3 (P.Carroll 132,112, T.Roche 125, L.Molyneux 106f) Farringdon Social 4 (C.Wilmot 125, P.Cornes 117, D.Pountney 2×140, C.Hughes 125, A.Sleath 140), Malt Shovel 2 (D.Girling 140, R.Dale 2×140) Pavilions 5 (A.Booth 125,105, R.Evans 2×140, R.Bourne 140, M.Turner 125,139).


Small Heath League:- Potcheen Still 6 Victoria Flights 3, Victoria 301 CLub 4 Wagon and Horses 5, The Victoria 4 Emerald CLub 5, Custard House 3 Mitre 6.


