Aston League:- Heartlands 6 (P.Parsonage 105, T.Walton 100, N.Parsonage 120,100, N.Hogan 112b,125,100, B.Cadby 180, M.Cooper 150, M.Birch 119) Old Oscott WMC 3 (P.Trayhern 100, A.Lea 2×100, D.Haynes 100, M.Maher 100, D.Higgins 130b,120b,140, J.Tolley 133), Mitre 3 (M.Kane 125, R.McGlaughlin 140, E.Rice 140, J.Small 121, D.G.Bond 129) Highcroft 6 (B.Cattell 2×100, I.Mathews 100, F.Maycroft 136, K.Griffiths 125), Aston Social 2 (J.J.Armstrong 128,100, J.Armstrong 101, J.West 140, B.Mallaband 3×100) Kings Ex Service 7 (K.McGuigan 100, P.Burgess 100, A.Whitehouse 140,125, T.Pedley 105,100, B.Stephens 135f,100, D.Nicholls 100, G.Nicholls snr 180, R.Rose 120), KCA 8 (D.Harrison 120b, K.Stephens 2×100, C.Turnbull 101b,100b, J.James 100b,100, J.Frost 120b,105b,140,125,100,8 darts game, T.Keating 114,G.Perry 137) Yew Tree 1 (P.Donovan 100, D.Lowe 140, J.Wickett 100b, R.Clarke 119), King Edward 3 (R.M.Hogan 100, F.Armstrong 100, C.Hill 144b) Tennis Courts 6 (C.Connelly 140,100, A.Bayley 140, I.Franklin 100).


Belgrave Social Individual League:Week 16:- S.Bagley 2 (90f) P.Guesford 1 (2×140,132,100), P.Jones 1 (180,133,117,100) M.Brown 2 (5×100,137f), S.Hawkes 2 (140,3×100) C.Farrington 1 (2×140,2×100), J.Green 1 (140,3×100) M.Bagley 2 (180,3×140,4×100), G.Clinton 3 (137,2×121,3×100) D.White 0 (2×140,125,3×100), M.Smith 2 (121,5×100) D.Fardon 1 (180,140,132,114,3×100), A.Duffy 2 (2×140,100) R.Mills 1 (140,100), M.Hollyoake 3 (180,3×140,120,109,3×100) M.Chater 0 (140,3×100), J.Williams 3 (140,100,105f) T.Clinton 0, A.Hanslow 2 (2×140,4×100) C.Farrington 1 (2×140,2×100), M.Bagley 0 (123,5×100) S.Hawkes 3 (139,135,4×100), R.Mills 0 (180,2×140,100) J.Green 3 (8×100), D.White 3 (3×140,3×100) D.Mountjoy 0 (120,3×100), M.Brown 1 (140,135,125,2×100) M.Smith 2 (2×140,2×100), R.LAwrence 2 (180,140,125,2×100) J.Turner 1 (140,137,125,3×100), G.Clinton 1 (2×140,100) C.Farrington 2 (3×140,3×100), A.Hanslow 2 (140,120,7×100,111f) P.Guesford 1 (125,121,100), P.M.Jones 0 (114) I.Gould 3 (134,116,4×100), T.Clinton 0 (3×100) M.Chater 3 (125,2×100,150f), M.Hollyoake 3 (180,140,123,6×100) A.Duffy 0 (125,2×100), S.Tarbuck 1 (140,3×100) R.Singh 2 (5×140,125).


Sheldon and District Winter League:Premier Division:- St Annes 5 (T.Keating 160b, A.McCrave 160b,8 darts game) Sheldon Heath Dukes 4 (M.Hicks 160b), Three Horse Shoes 6 (W.Matthews 180) Malt Shovel 3 (E.Smith 180, V.Bourne 180), Hobs Meadow 4 Iron Horse 5, Hen and Chickens 0 Castle Vale Residents Association 9 (D.Phillips 180), Division One:- Shard End RBL Flights 4 Banbury Club 5, EBAHA 5 Dovecote 4, Sheldon Social 7 Shard End RBL 2, Shard End Social 4 (I.Beattie 180,8 darts game) Solihull Borough F.C. 5, Horseshoes 5 Glebe Community Centre 4, British Telecom Club 4 Pavilions 5, Division Two:- Lea Hall Sports and Social 6 Sheldon Shoes 3, Shannons 5 Sheldon and Marlboro 4, Small Heath Gardeners 6 Victoria Social 3, Yardley Ex Service 7 Journeys End 2, Sedgemere Flights 3 Old Bill and Bull 6, Sheldon Shield:Round One:- Yardley Ex Service 3 Dovecote 6, Sedgemere Flights 3 Shard End Social 6, British Telecom Club 3 Fordbridge Social 6, Banbury Club 3 Castle Vale Residents Association 6, Shannons 7 Old Bill and Bull 2, Hobs Meadow 5 Lea Hall Sports and Social 4, Horseshoes 5 Pavilions 4, Victoria Social 4 Raven 5.


Longwood Summer League:Division One:- White Lion 5 Dolphin 3, Red Lion ’A’ 5 Queens ’A’ 3, Globe 4 Red Lion ’B’ 4, Queens ’B’ 4 Gate Inn 4, Division Two:- Two Gates Club 6 Royal Oak 2, Plough and HArrow 5 Cue Sports Club 3, Mercian 5 Kettlebrook 3, Three Horse Shoes 5 Jolly Sailor 3.


Small Heath LeagueCustard House 8 Black Horse 1, Antelope 5 Gunmakers 4, Ward End Ex Service Club 3 Brewer and Baker 6, Heartlands Club 9 Gables Tavern 0.



Forest of Arden Winter League:- Farringdon Social 3 (K.Dowling 140,100, K.Jagger 2×100, B.Phipps 121, A.Sleath 100, R.Green 102f) Sheldon Heath Social Flights 6 (S.Palmer 100, S.Hunt 125,121,100, S.Searle 100, L.Allwood 100), Old Bill and Bull 4 (4 (P.Goldie 115b, K.Parker 100, A.Install 100,120b,113f, A.Moss 2×100, M.Turner 115b) Three Horse Shoes 5 (.F.Evans 119, C.Thomas 152b, T.Healy 100, J.Warner 100, J.Lucas 100), Cock and Hens 4 (M.Hussey 2×100,101b) Hobs Meadow Mixes 5 (R.Taylor 100,120b, N.McCrave 125,100, B.Andrews 2×100,107f,8 darts game), Red Arrows 5 (R,South 140,125,100, J.Cartmell 180,140, A.Price 120, A.Jackson 100, B.Edwards 128b,123, C.Hall 100) Highwood 4 (N.Green 101b,100, M.Seymour 174,140, P.Norris 2x120b, J.Mason 100, K.Gibbs 130f,140, B.McDonald 100), Hobs Meadow 8 (M.Gorste 2×140,100, W.Matthews 2×100,135, L.Harris 125) Mackadown Social 1 (D.Parker 100), Highwood Arrows 7 (J.Norris 140, S.Kennedy 100, P.Nunn 112b,140, A.Hutchings 135,140f, B.Nixon 138,121b,131, J.Sidwell 120b,131, K.Attwood 108) Stechford Social 2 (M.Osborne 120b,2×100, B.Salter 2×100, A.Hinton 100, D.James 156, B.Townsend 140), Glades 4 (J.Turnbridge 140, M.Kenny 110,100, A.Savage 2×100,125, P.Sunner 2×100, 103b,130f, C.Grimes 100,115f, M.Cooper 100, P.Nolan 120b) Harvester 5 (D.Hougham 100,124f, P.Maund 116b, T.Comerford 140, P.Franks 120b, C.Busby 2×100,116b, P.Staite 139,137,116b).


