Belgrave Social Individual League:Week 13:- S.Tarbuck 3 (3×140,121) C.Kniverton 0 (1140,125), S.Hawkes 1 (3×140,121,100) D.White 2 (140,123,4×100), S.Cain 2 (2×140,4×100) R.Singh 1 (4×140,100), R.Mills 2 (180,140,100,100f) M.Hollyoake 1 (2×140,121,105,4×100), M.Smith 2 (180,140,3×100) P.Guesford 1 (120,2×100,110f), D.Barnes 1 (140,121,2×100) D.Fardon 2 (2×140,125,100), G.Clinton 140,135,125,105,2×100) M.Slater 0 (140,125,2×100), J.Williams 1 (2×125,123) A.Hanslow 2 (4×140,125,2×100), D.White 1 (123,101,2×100) G.Mills 2 (140,2×125,3×100), C.Kniverton 1 (3×140,125,3×100), D.Mountjoy 2 (2×140,135,2×100,101f) G.Clinton 1 (180,135,100), P.Guesford 1 (132,123) S.Cain 2 (140,6×100), S.Tarbuck 0 (2×100) S.Hawkes 3 (180,2×140), L.Thompson 1 (2×140,135,122,100) A.Hanslow 2 (180,140,121,2×100), M.Smith 1 (140,5×100) R.Singh 2 (2×140,3×100), R.Lawrence 3 (2×140,125,121,3×100) J.Williams 0 (120,2×100), D.White 3 (4×100,127f) S.Tarbuck 0 (140,4×100), M.Hollyoake 3 (140,135,6×100) P.Guesford 0 (140,4×100), G.Mills 3 (2×140,6×100) P.M.Jones 0, R.Thompson 0 (140,125) L.Thompson 3 (2×140,3×100,112f).
Small Heath League:- Gunmakers 6 Black Horse 3, Gables TAvern 1 Custard House 8, Heartlands Club 7 Brewer and Baker 2, Antelope 5 Ward End Ex Service Club 4.
Aston League:- Highcroft 1 (K.Griffiths 132, I.Mathews 119f) Heartlands 8 (M.Birch 101b, N.Parsonage 140,2×100, M.Cooper 100, T.Walton 100), Hardy Spicer 6 (A.Bath 2×100, F.Wren 100, M.Austin 110, T.Tyrie 100b, B.Green 177, B.Clarke 100) King Edward 3 (J.Crawley 125,121, D.Overall 112b, R.M.Hogan 140, A.Criddle 129,121), Mitre 4 (D.G.Bond 100, J.Averill 102f,125, S.Averill 100, S.Lysaught 112b,100) Tennis Courts 5 (M.Ansell 133, M.Andrews 123, I.Franklin 104, B.Nelson 102, K.Nelson 100), Aston Social 4 (J.Armstrong 100b, J.West 2×100, W.Cox 100, J.J.Armstrong 140, R.Collinge 100, R.Hussain 2×100, B.Craddock 112, B.Malliband 100) Yew Tree 5 (P.Weston 133f,125, P.Donovan 140,100, R.Clarke 100, D.Lowe 2×100, K.Clarke 100, J.Wickett 100, T.Sharp 125), KCA 4 (G.Macefield 125, S.Harding 160b,120b, J.James 120b,100, K.Stephens 120,100, T.Kelly 160b,101b, T.Keating 100, C.Henn 125,121, J.Frost 120b,100) Old Oscott WMC 5 (D.Higgins 100, J.Tolley 100, A.Mountford 126f, A.Cole 121, M.Maher 100), Sinners 3 (K.Smith 120b,140, B.Hughes 100, M.Westmorland 105f, B.Steptoe 132, J.Collins 108b) Kings Ex Service Club 6 (R.Rose 2x120b, K.McGuigan 100, P.Burgess 100, P.Haynes 140, A.Whitehouse 110b,136, B.Stevens 100b,100, D.Nicholls 2×100), Heartlands 8 (R.Liggins 140, M.Birch 130b,2×100, M.Nunn 100, B.Morris 100, B.Cadby 140, T.Walton 2×100, N.Hogan 140, N.Parsonage 100) Aston Social 1 (B.Mallaband 140, R.Hussain 140,100, W.Cox 140, R.Collinge 100b, J.Armstrong 115b,100b, T.Sullivan 120b,100), Mitre 6 (E.Rice 120, R.McClaughlin 100, S.Lysaught 3×100, D.G.Bond 120,100, B.Lysagt 100, J.Small 100, M.Kane 100) Hardy Spicer 3 (B.Clarke 100, J.Garretty 140, P.Ramsey 100, A.Bath 121, M.Austin 125,2×100, B.Green 140,100, C.Betteridge 140), Kings Ex Service Club 7 (M.Nichols 100, S.Read 100, P.Burgess 110b, D.Nichols 100, B.Stevens 140, A.Whitehouse 135, G.Nichols snr 100b) Tennis Courts 2 (C.Connelly 100), Yew Tree 4 (R.Clarke 160b,105b,100, D.Lowe 100, K.Clarke 125,123,100, P.Weston 120b) Sinners 5 (C.Gillon 100, N.Westmorland 100, B.Steptoe 100), KCA 8 (J.Frost 120b,140, K.Stephens 101,2×100, T.Keating 115b,100, G.Macefield 112b,107b, D.Harrison 120b, C.Henn 140, S.Harding 100b,139, C.Turnbull 123) Highcroft 1 (K.Griffiths 100, I.MAthews 2×100), King Edward 3 (R.M.Hogan 100, J.Roberts 100b,100, C.Hill 108b, M.Criddle 140, D.Gill 124,2×100) Old OScott WMC 6 (C.Andrews 116, M.Maher 125, A.Mountford 152b,2×100, M.Trayhern 100, A.Lea 140).
West Midlands Super League:Men:- Warley 8 Chadsmoor 1, Willenhall 2 Wednesfield 7, Penkridge 3 Smethwick 6, Oldbury 4 Wednesbury 5, Women:- Wednesfield 4 Smethwick 1, Warley 2 Wednesbury 3, Great Wyrley 2 Wolverhampton 3.
Forest of Arden Winter League:- Red Arrows 4 (A.Price 2×100, C.Hall 100,121, A.Jackson 100, J.Cartmell 100, B.Twist 3×100, B.Allen 120, R.Crawford 114) Harvester 5 (T.Comerford 100, P.Staite 100, P.Franks 140, P.Vasey 120b), Glades 4 (M.Cooper 177,100, C.Grimes 140,100) Sheldon Heath Social Flights 5 (L.Allwood 2×100, D.Roberts 140,117,100, S.Searle 121,101b, T.Roach 140, L.Molyneux 100,140, D.Allen 100), Highwood Arrows 7 (A.Hutchings 180,140, B.Vines 100, S.Kennedy 100, J.Norris 140, P.Nunn 140,100, C.John 130, J.Sidwell 135,100) Mackadown Social 2 (W.Bryan 100, G.Tegg 120, D.Parker 100b,140, J.Allen 100b,115b, E.McGuigan 100), Hobs Meadow Mixes 3 (B.Anderton 2x112b,102f, J.Zimmerman 109,100, R.Taylor 126, N.McCrave 100,125) Three Horse Shoes 6 (F.Evans 100, J.Lucas 108b, M.McCormick 120b,135, J.Gilfoyle 100), Cock and Hens 2 (A.Hawkins 2×100, R.Gwillam 101b, P.Holmes 110) Stechford Social 7 (W.Townsend 134, D.James 100, M.Osborne 100b,116f,120b,9 darts game, A.Hinton 100b,2×100, G.McGillm 100,125, B.Salter 100), Old Bill and Bull 2 (P.Goldie 2×100, P.Collins 100, P.Palmer 106b,100, A.Install 137,100) Hobs Meadow 7 (W.Matthews 140,124,105,105b,100, M.Gwalshmai 100, C.BArber 140, L.Harris 100, N.Harris 100b, M.Benson 103b, L.Wheeler 140).