A West Midlands Round Up By Alan Towe

Congratulations to Mark Westgarth on winning the Warwickshire Men’s Super League Open. From a very strong field of 55 players Mark won through to the final where he defeated Ian McFarlane to take the title.

Losing semi finalists were Paul Austin and Rob Hawker.


The Sheldon and District Winter League have got their new season underway and reigning premier division champions Saltley Amateur Gardeners began with a 6-3 win at Mackadown Social. However, last season’s runners up, Crown at Shard End were the biggest winners in the opening games, an 8-1 success at The Pirates.

The biggest win in division one was 7-2 achieved by both Holy Souls and Iron Horse Flights, who in turn accounted for Marston Green Tavern and Crown Arrows.

Three teams, Ridgemere Social, Sheldon Marlborough Flights and Maggies all won 7-2 in division two, their respective opponents being Meadway Sports and Social, Small Heath Amateur Gardeners and Shirley RBL Misfits.

Results:Week 1:Premier Division:- George V 4 (G.King 100b) Sheldon Dukes 5 (L.Molyneux 100, S.O’Donnell 140, G.Groves 106b, M.Hicks 120b), The Pirates 1 (S.Hughes 122b, N.Jackson 100, A.Cooksey jnr 100, D.Jackson 100, J.Buttle 100, G.Green 140, K.Green 135) Crown at Shard End 8 (D.Cherry 105b, N.Parsonage 100,137f,112b, K.Deeley 148b, P.Shipley 2×100, M.Cooper 100,140, K.Reynolds 2×100, J.Prince 139,134), Mackadown Social 3 (B.Allen 100, M.Anwar 100, M.Heave 140b, A.Sheen 140, M.Noonan 2×100) Saltley Amateur Gardeners 6 (N.Clarke 125, J.Randell 100, G.Thomas 100, S.Winters 100,142f, T.White 2×120,b,120f,100, T.Webster 180), Raven 3 (D.Keatley 100,134, J.Dunn 120b, S.Whatmore 109b, R.Earl 100,114, S.Kingdon 100,139) Old Bill and Bull 6 (R.Lucas 121, D.Wright 136b, T.Daly 2×100, J.Buckingham 100, J.Harris 137, S.Harding 119,123, P.Henderson 125), Crown at Olton 7 (A.Hutchings 100, J.Sidwell 140,120b,10 darts game, B.Nixon 152b, S.Kennedy 112b, P.Yardley 140, M.Wall 112b, A.Steele 114f,140, D.Duncan 120b) Langley Hall Sports and Social 2 (D.Tudor 117, C.Round 101b,100, A.Barnfield 100, M.Barber 100, S.Bromley 2×100 break), Division One:- Marston Green Tavern 2 (B.Biggs 100b, M.Murphy 150b, B.Tranter 120b, T.Comerford 100,110, D.White 134f) Holy Souls 7 (C.Stokes 100, T.Evans 100,137, K.Murray 100, D.Heighway 100), Baldwin Bears 4 (A.Hoy 160b,8 darts game, N.Walker 116,100, C.Johnson 100, A.Thomas 118,100b, J.Phillips 2×100, C.Thomas 120b) Highwood KB’s 5 (T.Constable 140, W.Cooper 100, A.Hunt 140, G.Pagett 2×100, S.Nixon 119,120b), Crown Arrows 2 (R.Vann 140,160b, J.Morrisey 100, R.Perkins 100, J.Masefield 100) Iron Horse Flights 7 (J.Evans 100, P.Byrne 140, R.Atkins 2×100,130, J.Green 125,103f, R.Parry 121,2×140,100), Sheldon Social 5 (M.Tilley 140, J.Toney 180,119, C.Roberts 2×100,112b, C.Cotter 100,121,100b, J.Phipps 100) RAFA 4 (A.Howell 2×100, A.Edwards 116b, S.Edwards 100, R.Derbyshire 2×100,104, E.Bullock 120), Banbury Club 6 (M.Morgan 100,140, K.Loveridge 120f, P.Connolly 134,100, T.Frost 120b,2×100,125,128, G.Fleetwood 100, J.Moss 121,120, B.Evans 140) Yardley Ex Colts 3 (P.Hill 100, S.Whadlock 140, R.Holman 125, R.Mason 120b,100), Division Two:- Emerald Flights 3 (P.Webster 100, L.Hickey 100, A.Fisher 113) Crown Forget-Me-Not 6 (W.Griffiths 128, B.Steptoe 100), Ridgemere Social 7 (D.Hipkiss 140, P.Fielding 116, C.Smith 100, M.Charlton 100) Meadway Sports and Social 2 (D.Shellis 100), Small Heath Amateur Gardeners 2 (P.Smith 100, D.Hykins 101b,100, A.Sleath 140, N.Green 108) Sheldon Marlborough Flights 7 (M.Cox 100,140, D.Humphries 125,100, J.Humphries 100, G.Holloway 140, M.Murren 100), Maggies 7 (K.O’Shea 2×100,108f, J.Storey 100, W.Swaine 100, N.Hall 100b,135) Shirley RBL Misfits 2 (D.Farrow 125, R.Randall 105, T.Dixon 100, J.Boyle 2×100).


Week two of the Four Oaks and District League and in division one Red Lion chalked up their first win in a close contest with Golden Hind Arrows they took the final game to seal a 5-4 victory. The Beehive also won by the same margin in their game at Old Oscott Arrows. Reigning champions Sutton Sports once again lead the field, their latest success being a 7-2 win at Brookvale Social.

Boldmere Sports, the only team to have won both of their opening games in division two had a comfortable 6-3 win away to Golden Hind, the same margin by which Pint Pot Flights defeated their hosts Erdington Stars. Plough and Arrows recorded their first points of the campaign a 5-4 home win over Old Oscott WMC.

Division three provided what must be the match of the week between Bishop Vesey and Erdington Arrows. Erdington Arrows opened up what appeared to be a match winning 4-0 lead only to see their hosts take the next five games to win 5-4.

On the individual scene D.Pickering (Golden Hind) was the week’s top scorer with 2×120 breaks,3×100,105 and 134. M.Compton (Old Oscott Arrows), C.Morgan (Boldmere Sports) and J.Cronin (Erdington Arrows) all hit a maximum.

Results:Week 1:Division One:- Golden Hind Arrows 3 (M.Pearce 100,112b, J.Clarke 100,100f, C.Turnbull 120b,116,100, R.Hasluck 119, K.Lumby 140) Brookvale Social 6 (D.Munge 121, S.Lysaght 100, D.Lowe 100, W.Naylor 150b,100,140, J.Yates 140,116, J.Collins 140, R.Kelly 129f), The Beehive 5 (J.Prince 107,180,100,138, A.Hoey 100, N.Clarke 2x120b,101b,3×140,100, K.Deeley 108b,2×100,140, W.Mynard 2×100, K.Reynolds 2×180,135) Red Lion 4 (M.Wilde 100, D.G. Bond 100, D.Vickers 105,2×100,153, T.Colley 100, D.Rawlings 160, S.Cain 148b), Sutton Sports 6 (B.Linnecor 112b,121, R.Hawker 2×100,103,140,123, A.Kimberley 125, M.Wild 115b,140,3×100, J.Kavanagh 100, M.Ashton 120,170, S.Paling 100,140) Old Oscott Arrows 3 (A.Lea 137,100, L.Jones 100,138, A.Mountford 2x112b,2×140,2×100, M.Maher 180,139), Division Two:- Pint Pot Flights 3 (P.Wilkes 100, M.Pearson-Bagnall 106b,2×121,100, R.Mercer 2×100, M.Mills 140,100, W.Bailey 2×100,125) Golden Hind 6 (A.Stainfield 120b,120, J.Dunn 120b,139, D.Keatley 140, T.Kelly 120b,160b,5×100, D.Pickering 100b,2×140,121, A.O’Kereke 120,3×100, J.Morris jnr 120b,100,131, T.Keatley 125, G.Kimberley 120b,100), Boldmere Sports 8 (I.Lloyd 101b, C.Packer 2x120b,2x100b,100,131,180, J.Frost 101b,2×100,135, P.M.Seadon 125, A.Gallett 133,100,115,140, D.Savage 100,121) Plough and Arrows 1 (P.Smith 120b,140,8 darts game, P.Robbins 100, M.O’Driscoll 4×100,112f. N.Robbins 101b,125,140,100, A.Humphriss 2×100,160), Old Oscott WMC 6 (M.Bowles 100, D.Parsons 100,140, N.Hawkley 100, G.Cornbill 3×100, C.Hawkley 140,105,125) Erdington Stars 3 (D.Murray 100b,2×100,140,101, K.Shorthouse 100, D.Shannon 120b,100, J.West 100, K.Jarvis 100), Division Three:- Anvil Nomads 5 (L.Perks 100, P.Opelier 100, D.Walton 104f, B.Godfray 120b,140,2×100, K.Taylor 117,125, S.Alexander 100, G.Gaughan 105,100,140) Bishop Vesey 4 (A.France 100,121, S.Holmes 100, J.Dempsey 116,138,2×100), The Fox 7 (A.Jarvey 140,100, P.Bradley 120b,2×100,180,120, N.Napier 121, D.Perry 120b,120, M.Corfield 140,100,121, R Stanton 100,140) Boldmere Oak 2 (C.Hagans 120,10 darts game, P.Hawkeswood 100), Week 2: Division One:- Red Lion 5 (D.Watkins 108b, T.Colley 140, D.G.Bond 140,2×100, D.Vickers 125,121, D.Bayliss 100, M.E.Gaughan 100, S.Andrews 100, T.Vickers 112b) Golden Hind Arrows 4 (M.Pearce 2×100, J.Clarke 135,2×100, C.Turnbull 100b,101,2×100,122f, K.Lumby 112b,100, J.Mahon 100), Old Oscott Arrows 4 (E.Atkins 100, L.Jones 100, D.Page 2×100, M.Compton 120b,180,140,100, A.Lea 125, M.Page 123) The Beehive 5 (T.Reynolds 122, K.Reynolds 106, M.Partridge 140. N.Clarke 100b,4×100, R.Parry 121, K.Deeley 125, J.Prince 125), Brookvale Social 2 (S.Lysaght 2×100, W.Naylor 3×140,135, R.Kelly 2×100, J.Yates 140,2×100, J.Collins 105b,140) Sutton Sports 7 (A.T.Lewis 108,100b, S.Paling 120b,2×100, R.Hawker 2x100b,120,125,100,140, M.Ashton 118, A.Kimberley 100,122, M.Wild 2×100), Division Two:- Golden Hind 3 (A.O’Kereke 135, T.Kelly 2×100,125, J.Dunn 137, J.Morris jnr 3×100,138,101, D.Pickering 2x120b,3×100,105,134, D.Keatley 130,2×100, T.Keatley 100) Boldmere Sports 6 (P.M.Seadon 2×100, J.Frost 100b,3×100,124, L.Barbaran 2×100,105, C.Packer 105b,120,140, C.Morgan 180,100), Plough and Arrows 5 (N.Robbins 4×100, I.Taylor 152b,2×100,119, A.Humphriss 100, W.Chinn 100, P.Smith 100) Old Oscott WMC 4 (C.Hawkley 100,114,118, J.Tolley 2×100, D.Parsons 100b,140,100, M.Bowles 100, J.Higgins 120), Erdington Stars 3 (J.Leydon 3×100, D.Shannon 2×100, D.Murray 100b,101b,1120b,105b,100,135, K.Shorthouse 100b,100) Pint Pot Flights 6 (W.Bailey 100, J.Moon 100b,2×100, M.Pearson-Bagnall 120b,140, G.Cookson 100, J.Mutch 140, M.Bruin 140, M.Mills 100), Division Three:- Boldmere Oak 2 (J.Waterman 100, C.Hagans 100, P.Bromley 100,140, A.Small 100,121,123,140) Anvil Nomads 7 (B.Godfray 2x120b, B.Taylor 123, G.Gaughan 138,100f,10 darts game, T.Tyrie 100,140, D.Walton 100, K.Taylor 100, P.Opelier 100, S.Alexander 140, N.Harley 100), Bishop Vesey 5 (D.Sammons 100, C.Sammons 100f, M.Hall 100, T.Pringle 121,3×100, S.Holmes 100,2×140) Erdington Arrows 4 (J.Cox 2×100, J.Cronin 180,100, M.Edwards 117, A.Gough 112b,112).


Crown ‘A’ slipped up again in the Cradley Tuesday Night League making it two defeats in their last three games when they lost 5-4 at Roost ‘A’, who are five places below them and a massive 20 points behind them. Nevertheless, Crown ‘A’ hold on to the top spot, but their lead has now been reduced to just two points as Chainmakers ‘B’ won 7-2 at Crown ‘B’, but they have played one more game than Crown ‘A’.

With only a handful of games remaining could the pressure be getting to Crown ’A’ or will they be able to hold on to pole position until the end of the campaign as they have done all season.

Results:- Crown ‘B’ 2 Chainmakers ‘B’ 7, Riddins Tavern 7 Roost ‘B’ 2, Hasbury Inn 6 Netherton Sports and Social ‘B’ 3, Bulls Head 3 Members Club 6, Yeltz Bar 6Hawne Lane Tavern 3, Gate (Darby End) 8 Jay’s Bar 1, Roost ‘A’ 5 Crown ‘A’ 4, Netherton Sports and Social ‘A’ 4 Gate (Colley Gate) 5, Brickmakers 5 Wheatsheaf 4.


The South Birmingham League played off the finals of their Rose Bowl Consolation Cup. The semi finals saw wins for Punch Bowl, who handed out a 7-0 whitewash to their opponents The Trident and St John’s, who won 5-0 against Banbury Flights.

The final was a closer affair, Punch Bowl, with 5×100 from their B.Evans getting the 5-3 verdict to leave St John’s as runners up.

Results:Rose Bowl Consulation Cup:Semi Finals:- The Trident 0 (J.Buttle 125,140, K.Buttle 2×100) Punch Bowl 7 (M.Tollis 100,2×140,125, B.Evans 100, K.White 100, R.Evans 100, D.White 100,114), St John’s 5 (L.Lynch 120, W.Yates 125, T.Lewis 100, T.Comerford 2×140,100) Banbury Flights 0 J.Kearney 101, I.McClean 125, D.Cooper 100, B.Hoey 2×100), Final:- St John’s 3 (W.Yates 134,109, T.Comerford 140,100, D.Clinton 140, L.O’Donnell 140,100) Punch Bowl 5 (M.Tollis 100, B.Evans 5×100, R.Evans 117,100, D.White 137,120, K.Richards 100,139).


Every week Blue Brick ‘C’ move a little closer to clinching the Brierley Hill Monday Night League title. Their latest victory being a 7-2 win at Tenth Lock to keep them a massive fourteen points ahead of second placed Bulls Head (Netherton) despite them winning 8-1 against bottom of the table Old Star ‘A’.

Rose and Crown (Brierley Hill) dropped one place to fifth following a surprising 5-4 home defeat by Bridge ‘A’ who are eight places and ten points below them.

High Acres drew level on points with their visitors Ivy House (Dudley) when they beat them 8-1, moving above them with a better average.

Results:- Tenth Lock 2 Blue Brick ‘C’ 7, Summer House 5 Black Horse 4, Old Star ‘B’ 2 Dog and Lamppost 7, Dudley Sports ‘B’ 5 Laurel 4, Blue Brick ‘B’ 5 Swan 4, Bridge ‘B’ 6 Rose and Crown (Wordsley) 3, Rose and Crown (Brierley Hill ) 4 Bridge ‘A’ 5, High Acres 8 Ivy House (Dudley) 1, Roebuck 7 Dudley Sports ‘A’ 2, Bulls Head (Netherton) 8 Old Star ‘A’ 1, Griffin 4 Liberal Club 5.


The Stourbridge and District Wednesday Night League fixtures brought together the top two teams this week, leaders Ten Arches ‘A’ hosting their nearest rivals Ashwood ‘A’. In a closely fought encounter the home side just got the edge with a 4-3 win to put them four points in front of Ashwood ‘A’. A.Edgar (Ashwood ‘A’) had a 160 break.

Ashwood ‘B’, who are third in the table joined their ‘A’ team on 20 points following their 4-3 against Rose and Crown, while fourth placed Wombourne Cricket Club won 5-2 at The Bell to remain two points behind the two Ashwood teams.

No joy for the two bottom teams Leopard and Swan (Brettell Lane) as they both ended on the wrong side of 7-0 scorelines against respective opponents Ten Arches ‘B’ and Dudley Sports.

Results:Game 12:- Ten Arches ‘A’ 4 Ashwood ‘A’ 3 (A.Edgar 160b), Dudley Sports 7 The Swan 0, The Bell 2 Wombourne Cricket Club 5, The Leopard 0 Ten Arches ‘B’ 7 (N.Garrett 113f, M.Harper 149f), The Bridge 5 Netherton Cricket Club 2, Ashwood ‘B’ 4 Rose and Crown 3, Gigmill 4 The Fox (Wordsley) 3 (R.Hipkiss 160b, W.Green 7 darts game).


It was another good week of darts in the Black Country Premier League with more top class games. Blackheath Beechers travelled to take on Britannia Bulldogs and returned with a 9-5 win, while second placed Black Country Belters recorded a 12-2 win against Park Lane Taverners, Alf Turley and Thomas Stockton hitting 180’s for the Belters.

Wynall Lane Warriors hosted Team Bathams in what was a close game, the home side just getting the 8-6 verdict, 15 years old Shea Essom helping their cause with a 120 break. Hasbury Monks took on Gate R&R, the Monks proved to be too strong for their challengers running out 12-2 winners, Carl Sparrow and Steve Morris both hit a 180 for the Monks, Angela Roberts having a 140 break for the Gate.

The other fixture brought together the bottom team Hounds of Wynall and Round Oak, the latter taking the honours and registering their first win of the season with a convincing 12-1 result.

Results:- Britannia Bulldogs 5 Blackheath Beechers 9 (Jason Lowe 122f), Park Lane Taverners 2 Black Country Belters 12 (Alf Turley 180, Thomas Stockton 180), Wynall Lane Warriors 8 (Shea Essom 120b, Daniel Haden 100b) Team Bathams 6, Hasbury Monks 12 (Carl Sparrow 180) Gate R&R 2 (Steve Morris 180, Angela Roberts 140b), Round Oak Rebels 12 Hounds of Wynall 1.


The Lye and District Ladies Wednesday Night League are looking for new teams to join them for the forthcoming season, which will get underway at the end of October. The format is five singles and two Doubles. Anyone interested in entering a team should attend the AGM at the Bull and Bladder, Delph Road, Brierley Hill on Wednesday 15th October at 8.00pm or alternatively contact Becky on 07709-155788.


The Crown march on in the Rowley Monday Night League, they made it 27 straight wins when they won 6-3 at Allens Sports Bar, who are fifth in the table. With Springfield Social having their game against Ex Serviceman’s cancelled, the win gives Crown a six points cushion at the top of the table, although Springfield now have a game in hand.

At the other end of the table Hunting Tree moved off the foot with a 5-4 home win over Britannia, who are seven places and twelve points above them. Taking over the bottom spot is Haden Cross after a 7-2 loss at The Swan.

Results:- Allens Sports Bar 3 Crown 6, Crown ‘B’ 3 Bell 6, Riddins Tavern 2 Little Beech 7, Fairfield 4 Leones 5, Ivy Bush ‘Z’ 6 Gate Hangs Well 3, Victoria  7 Ivy Bush ‘A’ 2, Hunting Tree 5 Britannia 4, Plough and Harrow 2 Whiteheath Tavern 7, Swan 7 Haden Cross 2.


Just one week of fixtures remain in the Round Robin format of the Red Lion Erdington Friday Night Individual League, but the play offs are already confirmed and the draw for the semi finals is, John Burdett v Paul Cummings and Barry Stephens v Luis Barberan, the format being the best of eleven legs for the last four and the best of thirteen for the final.

The finals will be staged at the league’s headquarters, The Red Lion, Erdington on Friday 17th October commencing at 8.00pm.

Results:Week 14:- B.Lysaght 4 G.Taylor 4, S.Cain 2 J.Collins 5 (180), R.Barberan 4 D.Harrison 4, J.Frost 2 B.Stephens 5, D.Bond jnr 0 J.Collins 5 (180), B.Lysaght 5 P.Cummings 2, J.Burdett 5 (2×180) D.Harrison 2, S.Cain 2 D.Harrison 5, D.Bond jnr 0 D.Harrison 5, B.Lysaght 4 B.Stephens 4.


Apart from Ashmore Inn, who had a bye this week in the Wolverhampton Tuesday Night League, the other six teams in the top seven of division one all won, so the top of the table remains unchanged. It was a good week for bottom team Pheasant as for the first time in 21 games, the first time this season they chalked up a win, a 4-3 home success over Bradmore, who are four places above them.

It was a similar story in division two with all of the top six teams winning and Riley’s ‘B’ the only team to lose in the top seven places.

Results:Division One:- Bird in Hand 0 Otter and Vixen 7, Bull 2 Riley’s ‘C’ 5, Merry Boys 0 Penn Bowling 7, Oxbarn 5 Railway 2, Pheasant 4 Bradmore 3, Village ‘B’ 3 Victoria 4, Division Two:- Boat ‘B’ 1 Harrowby 6, Chillington Club 5 Emerald 2, Riley’s ‘B’ 1 Dog and Partridge 6, Roebuck 5 Wednesfield Legion ‘B’ 2, Ukrainian Club 1 Wolverhampton Sports Arena 6, Wednesfield Conservative Club 5 Castle 2, Wednesfield Legion ‘A’ 5 King Charles 2, Yale Club 1 Boat ‘A’ 6.


Three games played in the Camp Hill League and all three finished with a 5-2 result. Leaders Cotterills Lane Club beat The Lions, while second in the table Scruffy Ringers won at Bordesley Labour Club to remain two points off the top. Wagonners were the other winners beating bottom of the table Devil’s Club, who are the only team in the league without a win so far.

Results:- Cotterills Lane Club 5 The Lions 2, Bordesley Labour Club 2 Scruffy Ringers 5, Wagonners 5 Devil’s Club 2.

