After four consecutive wins, an away fixture against Essex has brought Warwickshire’s winning run to an end in the Cosmo Darts Premier Division of the UKDA National League. Prior to the fixture Warwickshire were third and their hosts fifth with eighteen points the difference between the two teams.

It was not a good weekend for the ladies as both sides lost 4-2 with Natalie Gilbert (23.17) and Wendy Adams (20.59) taking the respective ‘A’ and ‘B’ match awards. The men’s ‘B’ won their game 7-5 with Martin Tonks their top player averaging 30.83 while the ‘A’ team also had a 7-5 result but going in favour of their opponents with Jamie Atkins Warwickshire’s man of the match with a 27.45 average.

Despite the defeat Warwickshire remain third in the division with 189 points but now nineteen points short of second placed Yorkshire after their 22-14 home win over Glamorgan and a huge forty-one points behind leaders Lancashire who had a bye.

