Leader of the West Midlands Ladies Super League Jackie Trott suffered her first defeat of the season when she lost 3-0 in her twelfth fixture against Tara Simmons-Fullwood then in her next game she was taken to a decider by Jacqueline Maiden but won that 3-2 to keep her top of the table with thirty-seven points from thirteen games. Gemma Barrett is second and on the same thirty-seven points as Trott after she won 3-2 against Sarah Barrett and 3-1 against Jodie Rowlands however she has now played one game more than Trott. Third placed Jacqueline Maiden’s first game of the night saw her win 3-0 against Shellbie Simmons to give her thirty-three points and although she is four points behind the top two players she has games in hand on both of them.


