Rowley Monday Night League:Week 20:- Yeltz Bar 3 Fairfield 6, Ex Serviceman’s Club ‘A’ 6 Whiteheath Tavern 3, Ivy Bush ‘A’ 5 Haden Cross ‘A’ 4, Haden Cross ‘Z’ 3 The Bell 6, Roost (Simon Edmonds 180) 3 Ivy Bush ‘Z’ 6, Springfield Social Club 6 Britannia 3, Beech Tree 5 Ex Serviceman’s Club ‘B’ 4.
Sheldon and District Summer League:Week 3:Division One:- Marston Green Tavern 1 (D.Bond 121,2×100,140, M.Murphy 121, B.Tranter 102, B.Biggs 140, R.Fisher 100, M.Gauder 121,125) Iron Horse Flights 7 (T.Whitehouse 101f, N.Parsonage 4×100,2×140,119,12 darts game, K.Reynolds 180, W.Mynard 140,2×100, N.Clarke 2×100,180, M.Partridge 2×100, S.Harvey 100, J.Prince 2×140,100,127), Langley Hall Sports and Social Arrows 4 (D.Nixon 139,140,125, P.Connolly 180,100, A.Nixon 180, M.Cooper 100,2×140, M.Harris 100, M.Barber 100) Pavillions 4 (R.Richards 100,123, A.Richards 100, K.Richards 100, N.Robinson 125,139f, M.Tolliss 3×100,121, M.Turner 100,125,140), East Birmingham Allotment Holders Association 1 (D.Sudbury 140, IMcLean 100, M.Vale 100) Castle Vale Residents 7 (R.Barritt 2×100, B.Cadby 121, J.Burdett 3×100,135,140, I.Lloyd 119,3×100, J.Frost 100, S.Bird 113,140, G.Taylor 100,140), Division Two:- Sheldon Dukes 3 (C.Cotter 100,121, S.Groves 100, M.O’Donnell 2×100,137, G.Groves 3×100, P.Sunner 2×100, A.Plows 100, P.Pudge 121) Holy Souls 5 (D.Heighway 180,121,140,100, T.Evans 100,121, M.O’Sullivan 100, C.Sharman 100,105,125, J.Duffy 100), Iron Horse Arrows 4 (J.Evans 2×180,2×100,122, J.Whitehouse 121, T.Rainsford 121, J.Green 121,140, M.Bown 125, D.Mortiboys 120) Sheldon Marlborough Flights 4 (P.Jones 2×140,109f,2×100, D.Humphries 140,100, P.Seadon 118,125, JVaughan 100), The Harvester 7 (N.Warner 114f,2×100,2×140,125,13 darts game, S.Hicks 100,140, R.Glendall 2×100, L.Hodges 100, S.Green 100, P.Vasey 2×100) Mackadown Social ‘B’ 1 (C.Grimes 121,3×100, C.Horsley 100,125,134, J.Hinson 120, G.King 100), Division Three:- Willclare Sports and Social 3 (T.Owens 140, B.Moore 100, M.Tilley 100,121, M.Holt 2×100, D.Reid 2×100, F.Dixon 100) Highwood KB’s 5 (M.Gorman 140, D.Buckler 100,140,125, N.Wykes 180,2×140,137,100, W.Cooper 140, N.Byrne 100), Highwood Arrows 3 (P.Thorley 140,2×100, G.Thomas 100, D.Carey 100, J.Sharpe 115,113,117, K.Hull 140,100) Yardley Ex Colts 5 (M.Grey 140, P.Welch 138, S.Whadlock 100, D.Wright 140,100, T.Roche 116,125, J.Darby 100, R.Collins 100,125, R.Mason 100), Maggies 4 (B.Carter 100, D.Tudor 2×100, B.Swaine 2×100,118f,125,134, S.Hoccom 125,138, N.Hall 100) Crown Arrows (D.White 100,129, J.Gaskin 100), Division Four:- Ridgemere Ladies 3 (L.Carter 140, E.McGuigan 133 (Langley Hall Sports and Social Flights 5 (J.Brogan 2×100,115), Meadway Sports and Social 4 (D.Delaney 140,100, M.Shellis 100, J.Phillips 4×100, A.Byrad 112f,100) Small Heath Amateur Gardeners 4 (D.Hykin 137,2×100, N.Ricketts 100, S.Miller 100, A.Sleath 2×100,138), Highwood Exiles 3 (P.Harvey 119, R.Harrison 100, A.Thurman 116,139) Greville Arms 5 (M.Stansfield 100, D.Duggan 3×100,140, J.Cocchi 140, A.Hawkins 3×100), Week 4:Division One:- Mackadown Social 2 (D.Young 2×100,120,140,2×180, M.Heaven 2×100,2×140, A.Caddick 100,140, G.James 4×100,140, A.Sheen 134) Langley Hall Sports and Social Arrows 6 (D.Nixon 4×100,104, P.Connolly 125,128,134,140, L.Nixon 125,140,2×100, M.Barber 2×100,140, M.Cooper 100,140, R.Nixon 120,137), Castle Vale Residents 5 (R.Franks 140,100, J.Burdett 2×100,120, J.Frost 140,3×100,105, G.Taylor 100,140, B.Cadby 140,125, R.Barritt 100, T.Pedley 140,127,103) Marston Green Tavern 3 (D.Bond 2×140,120, S.Cresser 140,2×100, M.Gauder 100), Pavillions 7 (M.Tolliss 140,100, R.Richard 100, A.Richard 100,135, K.Richard 3×100, N.Robinson 125,140,137, R.Evans 2×100, M.Turner 140,135,100) East Birmingham Allotment Holders Association 1 (D.Sudbury 100, B.Skinner 100,140, S.Tideley 120,140), Division Two:- The Pirates 5 (T.McDonough 123,125, A.Cooksey 3×100,125, M.Naylor 3×100,140, R.Lawrence 100,140, P.Moran 100,140, J.Buttle 100) Iron Horse Flights 3 (J.Evans 120,100,2×140, C.Monnington 100, P.Byrne 127,100, R.Earl 2×100,107f, J.Green 135,100, M.Bown 100,131, D.Mortiboys 100,122), George V 3 (M.Hicks 100, L.Molyneux 100,2×140, C.Cotter 100, P.Sunner 100, P.Pudge 120) Sheldon Dukes 5 (J.Savage 100, C.Horsley 120,2×140,3×100, S.Palmer 100, C.Grimes 128, P.Franks 140), Sheldon Marlborough Arrows 4 (P.Jones 2×100,140, D.Humphries 4×100,101, K.Salsbury 100,145, J.Vaughan 131, D.Howlett 3×100,140) The Harvester 4 (I.Evans 102, N.Warner 3×100, S.Hicks 2×100,119, L.Hodges 3×100,125,135,140, S.Green 2×100, J.Smyth 100), Division Three:- Crown Arrows 2 (J.Morrisey 100, L.Vann 140, J.Gaskin 135,100, R.Vann 2×100, C.Vann 100, S.Moran 2×100) Willclare Sports and Social 6 (D.Reid 3×100, Matt Holt 3×100, Mick Holt 100, P.Wilcock 3×100, F.Dixon 100,102), Yardley Ex Colts 4 (B.Law 140, P.Hill 3×100, G.McDonnell 100, S.Whatlock 2×100, D.Wright 2×100,125, T.Roche 140, R.Collins 106,140) Maggies 4 (B.Carter 121,112,132, S.Hoccom 3×100,125, N.Hall 100,140,123, S.Hall 100, B.Swaine 100), Division Four:- Ridgemere Flights 7 (S.Jones 2×100, C.Smith 100,138, D.Jones 100,140, P.Fielding 140, D.Lees 140, A.Phipps 120,140) Meadway Sports and Social 1 (J.Phipps 140,120,125, S.Davis 100, M.Shellis 101), Greville Arms 5 (R.William 115, C.Burns 119,100) Ridgemere Ladies 3 (L.Carter 100), Small Heath Amateur Gardeners 7 (A.Sleath 2×100,116, S.Miller 125, N.Ricketts 100, D.Burden 138) Highwood Exiles 1 (D.Cooper 140).
Sheldon Marlborough Cricket Club Singles League:Blind Doubles Knockout:Losing Quarter Finalists:- Dave Brown & John Young, Dave Howlett & Liam O’Donnell, Jay Vaughan & Steve McCarthy, Marie Jenkins & Nigel Ricketts, Losing Semi Finalists:- Brian Farmer & Matt Murrin, Mark O’Donnell & Ray Turner, Runners Up:- Alan Wale & Paul Sunner, Winners:- Dave Humphries & Sean O’Donnell.
Kings Norton League:Division One:- Hillyfields 3 (M.Poolton 100, G.Wilkes 2×100, Joe Fox 100, K.Vaughan 100, L.Can 140, M.Malone 100) The Coppice 4 (M.Harper 100b, C.Heath 120b, D.Hill 115b, M.Mooney 100, A.Chidley 125), Toby Jug ‘A’ 3 (R.Higgins 160b, S.Hodges 133, A.Deeley 2×100, J.Grainger 157, B.Heath 2×100, M.Deeley 156, D.Kent 140) West Heath 4 (P.Hughes 100,135, T.Corbett 110b, T.Shipley 100,135, T.Atkins 100b, W.Webb 120b, K.Hall 100, T.Hill 2×100), Division Two:- Billesley 4 (S.Sadler 108b, J.Sadler 100,140, P.Jones 100, A.Coleman 118) Cotteridge Social 3 (T.Young 100, G.Watts 100, J.O’Neill 180), Weoley Hill 4 (M.Lloyd 100, L.Brown 140, J.Cole 2×100, M.Lloyd 180) Coldstream 3 (K.Nolan 100, M.Ferriday 106b, S.Ager 100), Kings Heath 3 (D.Parish 2×100, S.Morris 134) Grant Arms 4 (Donna Campbell 100, G.Purnell 140, P.Smith 138, M.Davies 100,132, S.Campbell 120b, P.Price 100), Rubery RBL 2 (S.Jacques 123, I.Price 100, J.Ford 100, D.Nash 140) Kings Norton Ex Serviceman’s Club 5 (Paul Corbett 100, S.Carr 122, M.Bloomer 100).
Hilltop Friendly Tuesday Night League:- Dewdrop 5 Merry-Go-Round 2, Hayes Social 3 Ivy Bush 4, Old Hop Pole 2 Island Inn 5, Horseley Tavern 1 Sportsman 6, The Vine 3 New Talbot 4.
South Birmingham League:Group One:- Banbury Flights 6 (P.Wilde 121, J.Moss 100,112,140, P.Moran 140, L.Walker 2×100) The C’s 2 (G.Meredith 2×100, K.Geary 100, S.Healy 100, A.Linares 130, L.Spink 100f,140, K.Johns 3×100,104) Group Two:- The Raven 8 (A.Mayell 125,100, J.Evans 100,140, D.Keatley 140, R.Earl 140 1, A.Whitehouse 3×100, J.Whitehouse 129, J.Green 105, T.Whitehouse 125, D.Mortiboys 135,140, T.Rainsford 125) The Kingfisher 0 (D.Green 100), Erdington Members Club 8 (W.Naylor 100,125,2×140, J.Frost 116,125, C.Millward snr 3×125,100, C.Winters 4×100, C.Millward jnr 2×100,180) The Trident 0 (M.Naylor 100, C.Walton 2×100, J.Lawton 107), Group Three:- The Toby Jug 2 (I.Beattie 2×100,122, S.Hunt 100, D.Revitt 135,111, B.Weir 2×100, L.Tyrell 101) The Dog 6 (P.Thompson 125, J.Fathers 100, P.Richards 100, M.Clayton 100,140, M.Wheat 138).
Forest of Arden Summer League:Division One:- Greville Arrows 7 (D.Duggan 2×125,2×140,2×100, C.Okey 5×100, D.Ryecroft 100,114,137,125,100, K.Duggan 4×100, C.Burns 100) Crown Arrows 1 (R.Vann 100,112,121, K.Depper 121, S.Moran 120, F.Naylor 100), Chelmsley Town 1 (N.Lumley 2×100, M.Cunningham 100) Journeys End 7 (L.Barberan 7×100,119,125,15 darts game, S.Kingdon 135,100, P.Shipley 3×100, W.Naylor 100, J.Jennings 2×100,140, S.Whatmore 121) Division Two:- Riley’s Resurrected 5 (L.Perry 125,2×140, N.Harris 100,140, J.Derbyshire 4×100, N.Warner 4×100,180, D.Derbyshire 100, R.Derbyshire 3×100) Inn on the Green 3 (M.Green 111,100, B.Daly 100, M.Gilmartin 100,121,140, A.Plant 2×100), Journeys End Flights 7 (M.Tilly 2×100, C.Roberts 4×100,125, A.Edwards 2×100,116, D.Duncan 100,135, S.Edwards 120) Highwood Exiles 1 (A.Payne 123,100, D.Carey 2×100,138), Crown Arrows Flights 1 (J.Gaskin 3×100,122,135, L.Vann 125,118, P.Carter 3×100,140, M.Bown 125,100) Highwood Arms 7 (D.Hudson 140, A.Thurman 100, B.Anderton 2×100,105, B.Walker 105, P.Thorley 100).
Shirley Red Lion Premier League:Week 8:- Tom Bent (15 darts game) 2 Pete Silver 3, Tony Daly 0 Andy Hoy 3, Antony Daly 2 Brian Lawton 3, Stuart Dixon 0 Mick Bown (150f) 3, Steve Thomas 1 Mikey Harris 3, Mark Cater 0 Steve Sidwell 3, Stuart Dixon 3 Tom Bent 1, Chris Thomas 3 Brian Lawton 1, Antony Daly 0 Ken Hopton 3, Tom Bent 3 Mikey Harris 0, Stuart Dixon 1 Julian Harris 3, Tony Daly 0 Lee Harris 3, Steve Sidwell 3 Andy Hoy (180) 1, Steve Thomas 1 Mick Bown 3, Mark Cater (110f) 2 Stuart Dixon 3, Mick Bown 2 Chris Thomas 3, Steve Sidwell (15 darts game) 3 Stuart Dixon 1, Julian Harris 0 Pete Silver 3, Ken Hopton 0 Lee Harris 3.
Pip Club League:Divisional Cups:Division One:Final:- Belgrave Club lost to Prince of Wales, Division Two:Final:- Winning Post beat Globe Trotters.
Netherton Thursday Night League:Week 6:- Bulls Head 6 The Crown 1, Dudley Sports 5 White Horse 2, The Delph Bell ‘B’ 4 Dudley Ex Serviceman’s Club 3, The Fairfield 4 The Delph Bell ‘A’ 3, The Widders 1 White Swan 6.
Winmau Centre Monday Night League:Week 14:- Keep It In The Family 30 Full Montie 18, 3 Yam Yams and A.Stokie 47 Double Trouble 1, The Untouchables 45 Where’s My Team 3, Is It In 36 Here For The Beer 12, The Outcasts 25 What’s The Point 23.
Brierley Hill Monday Night League:Week 23:- Griffin 2 The Swan 7, The Bridge 6 Bulls Head (Netherton) 3, High Acres 7 Roebuck 2, Dudley Sports ‘A’ 6 New Talbot 3, Brickmakers Arms 5 Pensnett Liberal Club 4, Queens Head (Wordsley) 3 Dudley Sports ‘C’ 6, Blue Brick 7 Old Star 2, The Bell 3 Dudley Sports ‘B’ 6.
Winmau Centre Thursday Night Champions League:Week 9:- Rob Harris 5 Tam Singh 2, Mick O’Neill 5 Devinder Singh 2, Louis Burley 5 Chris Fox 2, Craig Capewell 2 Robert Pierce 5, Liam Baker 1 Mark Bayliss 6, Chris Manoila 3 Mick Baker 4, Baz Pearce 4 Rhys Langford 3, Ken West 7 Paul Walters 0, Phil Summers 1 Jay Hough 6, Tam Singh 3 Jay Hough 4, Paul Walters 6 Phil Summers 1, Paul Boddison 1 Ken West 6, Mick Baker 7 Baz Pearce 0, Mark Bayliss 2 Chris Manoila 5, Robert Pierce 4 Liam Baker 3, Chris Fox 1 Les Marson 6, Devinder Singh 3 Louis Burley 4, Rob Harris 3 Mick O’Neill 4.
Small Heath League:- Emerald Club 6 Moseley All Service 3, Cob’s Bar 0 Gulp Tribe 9, East Birmingham Allotment Holders Association 9 Mitre 0, Wagon and Horses 8 Emerald Flights 1.
Stourbridge and District Monday Night League:Week 30:- Garibaldi 1 Stourbridge RBL 8, The Plough 5 New Inns 4, Quarry Bank Conservative Club 3 Ashwood 6, Bird ‘A’ (Stourbridge) 7 Crestwood 2, Queens 2 Bird (Wordsley) 7, Ten Arches ‘B’ 5 Ten Arches ‘A’ 4, High Acres 3 Britannia (R.Colley 160b, K.Bennett 160b) 6, Church Tavern 5 Bird ‘B’ (stourbridge) 4, The Swan 3 The Fox (Lye) 6, Cat Inn (Wordsley) 3 Kingswinford Conservative Club 6.
Wednesbury and Darlaston Wednesday Night League:- Staffordshire Knot 5 Cottage Spring 4, T & R Bar 4 St Mary’s ‘A’ 5, St Mary’s ‘B’ 0 Red Lion 9, Civil Defence 1 Horse and Jockey 8, Team Doubles League:Runners Up:- Tony Dent & Gary Bailey (St Mary’s ‘A’) Winners:- Jay Jones & Rye Carthy (T & R Bar).
Shirley and District Monday Night League:Week 21:- Shirley Red Lion 9 Plume Misfits 0, Cider House 5 Solihull Sports Club 4, Sharmans Cross 5 Shirley Spartac 4, Highwood Bears 6 Legion Royals 3, Shirley Legionnaires 6 Blue Bell 3, Highwood 5 Crown Jewels 4.
Riley’s, Coventry Red Dragon Champion of Champions Qualifier:Round One:- Pete Wills 2 Alan Carter 1, Neil Pritchard 2 Thomas Harper 1, Josh Richardson 2 Alex Tempest 0, Paul Marsden 0 Steve Hine 2, Martin Shaw 2 Paul Harboune 1, Adam Smith-Neale 2 Jonathan Hall 0, Craig Allen 2 Kev Woodward 0, Last Sixteen:- Pete Wills 2 Joe Suett 0, Lee Rowley 2 Tia Barker 1, Neil Pritchard 2 Courtney Hine 1, Josh Richardson 2 Josh Edwards 0, Steve Hine 2 Adam Paxton 0, Dave Parkinson 2 Martin Shaw 1, Adam Smith-Neale 2 Gaz Cullinan 0, Craig Allen 2 Mark Carter 0, Quarter Finals:- Pete Wills 2 Lee Rowley 1, Josh Richardson 2 Neil Pritchard 0, Steve Hine 2 Dave Parkinson 1, Craig Allen 2 Adam Smith-Neale 0, Semi Finals:- Josh Richardson 2 Pete Wills 1, Craig Allen (walkover) Steve Hine, Final:- Craig Allen 2 Josh Richardson 1.
Wolverhampton Tuesday Night League:Knockout Cup:Division One:- Riley’s ‘C’ beat Roebuck, Gilberts Bat beat Wednesfield FC, Ashmore beat Penn Bowling, Wednesfield Conservative Club beat Victoria, Division Two:- Riley’s ‘A’ beat The Bull, Lanesfield RBL beat Wednesfield Legion ‘B’, Wednesfield Legion ‘C’ beat Pavilion, Bird in Hand beat Dog and Partridge.