Sheldon and District Winter League:Week 4:Premier Division:- Crown at Olton 4 (M.Wall 103f,112b, A.Hutchings 100b,100, C.Stokes 120,140, John Sidwell 101b,2×100,100b,141f, J.Norris 139, K.Attwood 100, P.Nunn 100, D.Duncan 2×140) Saltley Amateur Gardeners 5 (B.Biggs 100,100b, N.Clarke 160b, T.Randell 2×134, A.Caddick 107b,2×100,101, W.Taylor 100,112b,135, P.Sinnett 125,145, S.Winters 100f, T.White 100,129), Sheldon Dukes 5 (S.Edwards 140,105, C.Clarke 140,100, M.Hicks 100, T.Comerford 100,120, L.Symmons 2×100, L.Molyneux 121, P.Curry 100) Crown at Shard End 4 (N.Parsonage 140, S.Boston 137,100, M.Cooper 140, J.Prince 115, C.Betteridge 135,100, T.Whitehouse 116f), Riley’s 5 (D.Marshall 140,100, M.Heaven 100, A.Marriott 101b, C.Reed 100,135, A.Sheen 101f) Iron Horse 4 (D.Evans 134,100,118b, J.Whitehouse 131, R.Earl 140,119), Highwood ‘A’ 4 (L.Hodges 2×100,103, D.Cherry 100f,120b, A.Parvez 104, T.Constable 2×100, B.Ancorn 100,114,140, P.Evans 100, D.Humphries 100, P.Milmoore 100) Holy Souls 5 (M.O’Sullivan 100b, D.Heighway 121,100, J.Rafter jnr 100, J.Duffy 100, I.Nikiforiak 100), Kingshurst and District Labour Club 6 (M.Tolliss 106b, G.Green 112b,140, D.Whitehouse 100, R.Evans 101b,125, K.Loveridge 2×100, M.Turner 115,105b) EBAHA 3 (T.Evans 120b,109f, D.Sudbury 100, A.Hinton 100, D.Smith 2×100, P.Carey 100), Divison One:- Banbury Club 4 (T.Frost 123,2×100,106, P.Larden 120b,140, F.Powell 2×100,106b, L.Reece 100) Forget-Me-Not 5 (J.Cooke 100, C.Kettlewell jnr 135, C.Kettlewell snr 160b, L.Cooksey 100,11 darts game, B.Steptoe 180,9 darts game), Yardley Ex Colts 3 (P.Hill 100,120b,145f, R.Simons 112b, R.Holman 125, B.Mason 125) Langley Hall Sports and Social 6 (D.Jelley 100, J.Carter 100, A.Powell 100, M.Mulryan 100, S.Bromley 140,139), Shirley RBL Flights 5 (K.Hopton 100, K.Murray 2×100, T.Carter 100) Castle Vale Residents Association 4 (A.Rose 131, R.Franks 100), Custard House 5 (A.Fisher 101b, A.Wale 103b, R.Fisher 120,125,121, N.Wykes 100,180, B.Salter 100b,100, P.Brown 116b) Shard End Social 4 (M.Kirwan 100b, J.Gaskin 105b, P.Clougher 125, M.Powers 100, S.Gaffney 140), Yardley Arms 6 (M.O’Donnell 120b,130,8 darts game, S.O’Donnell 100, S.Hazlett 2×100, P.Wright 100,105b) Ridgemere Social 3 (C.Sherwin 100, A.Bailey 100, P.Yardley 100, D.Davies 100), Division Two:- Willclare Sports and Social 5 (B.Dixon 121, F.Dixon 100,107f, R.Moore 2×100, M.Holt 100, D.Allen 112b, D.Reid 100) Highwood ‘B’ 4 (A.Hunt 2×100,132, L.Davis 131, D.Memory 100), Ivy Leaf 3 (G.Baker 132, P.Harvey 137,100, R.Harrison snr 100, D.O’Neill 106b) Plume of Feathers 6 (A.Hoy 131f, N.Comerford 120b, J.Boyle 100, C.Deery 100), Small Heath Amateur Gardeners 5 (C.Hughes 100, R.Walton 100,100b, D.Hykin 100, P.Cornes 112b,100, A.Sleath 101,118f) Meadway Sports and Social 4 (D.Ryan 100,109b, G.Biggs 105,100, P.Quinn 100), Crown Arrows 4 (P.Carter 100, C.Vann 100b, R.Hopkins 100) Greville Arms 4 (C.Okey 140,100, K.Hull 132,125,115), Week 5:Premier Division:- Crown at Olton 4 (C.Stokes 100, M.Wall 2×100, A.Hutchings 120b, D.Hutchings 140, John Sidwell 100, T.Steele 100, D.Duncan 109b,101b,100) Raven 5 (J.Evans 112b, R.Biddell 116,100, J.Whitehouse 3×100, T.Rainsford 160b, R.Earl 120b, R.Parry 100, D.Mortiboys 100,177, J.Green 122b), Sheldon Dukes 3 (C.Clarke 100, P.Sunner 101b, T.Fazakerley 134, L.Symmons 2×100, L.Molyneux 100, P.Curry 100b) Old Bill and Bull 6 (R.Lucas 116b,2×100, P.Pudge 100, S.Darby 140, J.Buckingham 2×100, I.Durrington 140, D.Wright 2×140, P.Stephens 121), Crown at Shard End 6 (A.Richards 140, R.Cheshire 117f, S.Boston 100,112b, N.Parsonage 137, M.Cooper 130,135f,100, J.Prince 100, C.Betteridge 2×125) Saltley Amateur Gardeners 3 (N.Clarke 120b, T.Randell 3x120b,137, J.Randell 100b,100, W.Taylor 100, A.Caddick 120b,100b,100, P.Sinnett 112b,100, S.Winters 125), Riley’s Arrows 5 (D.Marshall 120b, B.Allen 120b,101, D.Young 2×100, N.Harris 137, A.Sheen 100,132) EBAHA 4 (N.Davis 100,102b, D.Horley 100, P.Carey 120, A.Hinton 100, D.Sudbury 100), Kingshurst and District Labour Club 3 (M.Morgan 105b,100, A.Hoey 100, G.Green 100, K.Green 140,100,153, A.Homer 100, D.Whitehouse 160b) Highwood ‘A’ 6 (P.Milmoore 127,2×100, T.Constable 140, L.Hodges 140, P.Evans 105b, J.Silver 140, C.King 100), Division One:- Banbury Club 9 (T.Frost 100,125b,108f, C.Mace 120b,100, P.Larden 100, I.McLean 120b, G.Fleetwood 2×100, J.Moss 100) Shard End Social 0 (J.Gaskin 100, S.Gaffney 100, D.Shingler 100, P.Clougher 100, J.Bedworth 105), Yardley Ex Colts 6 (P.Hill 100, R.Simons 140, B.Mason 2×100,140, P.Knowles 100, T.Cattell 121) Castle Vale Residents Association 3 (T.Pedley 100, R.Vann 100, J.Morahan 100, R.Franks 100b, B.Charlton 134,152b), Langley Hall Sports and Social 4 (D.Tudor 100,121, A.Powell 100, S.Bromley 2×100,100b, M.Barber 137) Forget-Me-Not 5 (S.Gardiner 100b, W.Griffiths 121f, C.Kettlewell snr 140, B.Steptoe 101b,100), Shirley RBL Flights 6 (K.Hopton 140, M.Bown 121, J.Bown 105b, A.Stuart 140,100) Ridgemere Social 3 (A.Bailey 100, C.Sherwin 140b, P.Yardley 120b), Custard House 3 (G.Thomas 100, A.Fisher 121, B.Salter 140,100, D.Brown 121) Sheldon Social 6 (L.Allwood 100, M.Tilley 3×100, P.Crook 100,140, C.Cotter 100, T.Roche 100, J.Phipps 120), Division Two:- George V 8 (J.Bosworth 180, S.Palmer 100, C.Horsley 100, G.King 100, M.Osborne 120b,2×100, B.Anderton 140, D.Sutton 125,100) Meadway Sports and Social 1 (S.Bennett 120, D.Ryan 140), Willclare Sports and Social 5 (B.Dixon 106b,102b, R.Moore 100, M.Holt 2×100, D.Allen 120, D.Reid 100,122) Plume of Feathers 4 (J.Phillips 140,100, R.Smith 138, R.Randle 2×100, M.Hodgson 100), Highwood ‘B’ 5 (T.Hobbis 100, W.Cooper 140, N.Byrne 118b, A.Cooke 106) Riley’s Wings 4, Ivy Leaf 4 (R.Harrison snr 117f, R.Crowton 120b, R.Davies 140,110) Greville Arms 5 (T.Cox 123, A.Hawkins 100, S.Bateman 108b, J.Cocchi 103b, J.Gilfoyle 2×100), Maggies 5 (B.Carter 120, W.Swaine 100, S.Jones 140, B.Swaine 101b) Crown Arrows 4 (P.Williams 110b,100, C.Vann 100, J.Morrissey 140, I.James 140,100).


Four Oaks and District League:Match 3:Division One:- Red Lion Flights 7 (T.Colley 100b, S.Andrews 101b,160b,2×121,123,180, B.Hughes 112b,100,125, D.Watkins 100,131, D.G.Bond 160b,140, J.Collins 140, T.Kelly 100,120b,129, T.Pedley 110b) Boldmere Sports 2 (P.Newman 112b,3×100,125, A.Mills 140, M.Lavender 2×100,174, L.Cooksey 105, R.Tidmarsh 100), Old Oscott Arrows 5 (D.Page 140, J.Frost 120b,100b, M.Compton 100, E.Atkins 106b, M.Maher 2×100,140, M.Page 121, A.Mountford 2x112b,3×100,139,140,9 darts game) The Nomads 4 (N.Robbins 120b,100, D.Baker 4×100, B.Mortiboys 100, J.Vickers 121,134, K.Smith 100,140, J.Green 5×100, B.Godfrey 105), The Fox Flights 7 (A.Gallett 100,109f, P.M.Seadon 120b, C.Woodroffe 125, C.Packer 100b,117,140, C.Millward snr 100, C.Millward jnr 112b,2×100) Old Oscott WMC 2 (J.Higgins 125,130, I.Johnson 100, N.Hawkley 100, D.Parsons 100, J.Tolley 100, C.Hawkley 100,140,115f), Anvil Nomads 2 (T.Tyrie 120b, D.Walton 100, P.Guesford 100, N.Harley 100) Sutton Sports 7 (T.Lewis 2×100, D.Vickers 2×100, M.Wild 140, J.Kavanagh 2×100, M.Ashton 100,140, M.Westmorland 137, T.Vickers 100,135), Division Two:- White Lion 2 (T.Evans 100 I.Taylor 140, M.Haigh 2x112b, J.D.Watt 140) The Leopard 7 (D.Murray 101, D.Savage 100,160b, L.Shorthouse 121, C.Hill 120b,121f,9 darts game, D.Jarvis snr 100,101), Deer’s Leap Stags 5 (G.Kimberley 110,132, S.Spink 3×100, D.Pickering 100, S.Baker 100,140) Pint Pot Arrows 4 (M.Bruin 100,2×123,125, K.Tooze 2×140, M.Hawkins 100b,2×100, A.Sears 100,113), Pint Pot Flights 2 (H.Smith 100b, J.Moon 2×100, L.Clarke 100, M.Pearson-Bagnall 2×100, N.Gilbert 100,140, M.Mills 160) Drakes Drum 7 (J.Clarke 113,115,2×125,140, J.Mahon 120b,113f, A.Day 3×100,140, M.Pearce 101b, A.J.Lilley 100, R.Hasluck 100), Sutton Park Hotel 5 (M.Willetts 100,2×121, D.Perry 100,120, T.Comerford 2×100, Jim Lynch 100b, G.Lynch 100, B.Lysaght 120b,2×100,2×140, A.Jarvie 100,125,180) Erdington Arrows 4 (J.P.Roddy 100,140, J.J.Armstrong 100, R.Bazeley 100, J.West 4×100, J.Leydon 120b,3×100, M.Kenny 120b,100,103,140), Division Three:- Plough and Barrows 5 (P.Opieler 2×100, S.Gow 100, C.Davies 100, M.Bateman 100) Highcroft Arrows 4 (R.Thrupp 100, L.Vernalls 100,122,140, F.Armstrong 105b,120b,100,105,118, B.Cattell 100), Boldmere Oak 1 (A.Czaiki 118,126, J.Chapman 100, R.Browne 103b, M.Wadsworth 100,101, D.Bryne 129) Bishop Vesey 8 (T.Pringle 100, J.Dempsey 100,180, M.Downer 100b,2×100), Bromford Club 2 (J.Miller 112b, D.Sargent 100, K.Taylor 100, M.Taylor 100,109b,134, W.Taylor 2×100) The Beehive 7 (K.Deeley 100, J.Prince 100,140, K.Reynolds 2×100, T.Reynolds 100b,101b, M.Partridge 100,108f), The Heartlands 4 (S.John 114, W.Naylor 100, S.Cain 140, M.Naylor 128, J.Frost 2×100,125, G.Drennan 4×100,140) Brookvale 5 (R.Blaney 108b,100, D.Lowe 100,124, J.Yates 108b,100,140, R.Kelly 140, A.Mytton 2×100,140).


South Birmingham League:Week 1:Division One:- Riley’s Kings 6 (T.Pedley 100, S.Hazlett 2×100,126, T.Comerford 118,120b, M.Birch 125,100) The Digby Hotel 3 (M.Partridge 131, D.Kingdon 105b,120, N.Clarke 100b,2×100, P.Reynolds 138, D.Clinton 122, W.Yates 100), Punchbowl 5 (K.White 2×100,118, N.Robinson 2×100, A.Willis 105, M.Turner 105b) Banbury Club 4 (R.Lucas 125, I.McLean 100, P.Connolly 121, P.Larden 2x120b,100, T.McCrave 2×100, M.Noonan 100b,140,9 darts game), Raven Flights 6 (T.Powell 140, C.Winters 102,125, M.McGinn 100, T.Blakemore 102, W.Mynard 105) The Raven 3 (M.French 100, J.Evans 132,100, J.Whitehouse 100, T.Rainsford 100, D.Mortiboys 100), Mackadown Social 5 (D.Marshall 100b,130f,9 darts game, D.Young 100, A.Kavanagh 140,120b, A.Caddick 100b,105b,107, W.Taylor 2×140, A.Savage 100,116, A.Sheen 100b, D.Savage 100) The Crown Shard End 4 (T.Evans 146b,100, N.Parsonage 180,140, D.Smith 123, M.Cooper 2×100, A.Mayell 2×139,115, R.McConnell 105), Division Two:- Toby Jug 5 (B.Blair 119, M.O’Connor 100, N.Rhodes 100, I.Beattie 100) Coleshill Social 4 (G.Jones 140,105, P.Cassisi 100, K.Williams 140, B.Jones 100, P.Bryant 112b,100, B.Kennedy 100), The Dog 5 (P.Thompson 137, T.Lopez 132,110,2×100, S.O’Brien 100, G.Joyce 100, P.Richards 112,123) Pavilions 4 (A.Aston 100, W.Griffiths 100, M.Barns 100, T.Warrilow 120b,100b, A.Finnigan 101, P.Phooniy 100), Banbury Flights 5 (D.Cooper 121, W.Cooper 120, M.Cozens 100) The Kingfisher 4, The Centurion 7 (P.Wilde 112b,108f, S.Wilde 120b, B.Scott 140, A.Homer 100) Smithswood Social 2 (T.Waite 2×100, N.Wilson 105, H.Cox 128, P.Cobley 100), The Trident 5 (D.Woakes 120, J.Lawton 100, S.Hughes 100, J.Buttle 100, P.Morris 100b, T.Clay 100) Yardley District Rugby Club 4 (S.Hipkiss 116).


Camp Hill League:- Custard House 3 Redhill Tavern 4, Scruffy’s Ringers 3 Roosters 4, Forgers 7 Langley Lads 0.


Small Heath League:League Cup:Semi Finals:- Mitre 4 (M.Fowle 115,100, N.Winter 120, D.Lacey 4×100, D.Ali 100,140, C.Austin 100,121) Custard House 5 (G.Thomas 135,140,3×100, I.McLean 2×100, A.Wale 2×100, A.Wilcock 162, P.Brown 2×100,140), Midland Darts Centre 2 (N.Wykes 100, C.Chidler 140,2×100, C.Reed 100, A.Wykes 121,100, A.Bogucianskas 107) Emerald Club 7 (John Fox 100, N.Parsonage 2×100,125,120, Joe Fox 140,123,180,2×100, C.Rigby 140, P.Yardley 4×140,3×100, A.Fisher 100), Upside Down Cup:Semi Finals:- Redhill Tavern 3 (R.Cridge 180,100, G.Blakeman 2×100, E.Bullock 100, R.Hogan 116,3×100) Scanlons 6 (D.Heighway 100, M.Cooper 3×100,125,137,140, A.Daly 100, M.O’Sullivan 2×100, R.McConnell 140, J.Harris 100,140,102, J.Phipps 140, T.Daly 100), Sheldon Marlborough Flights 2 (M.Murrin 3×100, N.Rughani 101,100) Wagon and Horses 7 (D.Rivitt 140, J.O’Connor 140,2×100, G.Daly 121, M.Looby 101,100, S.Whitaker 100).


Pip Club League:Challenge Cup:Division One:- J.W.Belgrave beat Dosthill Club, Bulls Head (Polesworth) beat Sports Bar ‘180’, Dolphin and Birchmoor Club had byes, Division Two:- Pip Club beat Gate Inn, Belgrave Club beat Royal Oak, Two Gates Club lost to Travellers, Old Liberal Club had a bye.


Tamworth League:League Cup:Round One:- Sports Bar 2 Three Horse Shoes 5, Mile Oak Rovers 4 Boot Inn ‘B’ 3, Globe Inn 4 Three Tuns 3, Round Two:- Tam O’Shanter 3 Three Horse Shoes 4, Sports Bar ‘180’ 4 Wigginton 0, Boot Inn ‘A’ 3 Globe 4, Mile Oak Rovers 3 Dolphin Inn 4.


