BDO Inter Counties Championships:Division One:West Midlands v Staffordshire (18-18):(West Midlands names first):Men’s ‘A’:- P.Wyse 1 S.Mason 3, M.Angell 0 A.Derrett 3, N.Bache 0 G.Whitworth 3, R.Foster 3 P.Giorgino 0, J.Hughes 3 A.Ford 1, A.Singh 3 N.Birch 2, M.Jones 3 J.Gilbert 0, T.Aldridge 3 M.Wheawall 0, M.Rollinson 3 N.Pointon 2, I.Jones 3 M.Bloor 1, S.Farmer 3 A.Beardmore 2, L.Frazer 2 M.Frost 3, Men’s ’B’:- M.Lloyd 3 A.Pearce 0, M.Tedstone 2 P.Wright 3, I.Hartland 1 K.Jenkinson 3, C.Hickman 2 T.Carter 3, M.Dicken 1 D.Stevenson 3, C.Plumpton 3 R.Platt 1, E.Price 0 D.Coyle 3, P.Edmunds 1 T.Whiston 3, A.Forrester 2 K.Mavin 2, P.Price 3 J.Jones 1, I.Stanton 3 J.Whitmore 0, S.Kendrick 1 D.Whittingham 3, Women’s ’A’:- D.Tolley 3 S.Cope 1, C.Hobbs 1 Y.Whitley 3, K.Fellows 1 M.Colclough 3, L.Jennings 3 B.Frost 0, K.Jenkins 0 S.Sherratt 3, L.Astbury 3 A.Colclough 0, Women’s ’B’:- C.Ford 3 K.Turner 0, G.Poole 0 D.Upton 3, S.Robbins 3 R.Oldfield 2, N.Harris 3 N.Chatfield 1, J.Stubbs 1 B.Carey 3, J.Simmons 1 S.Kingston 3.


Four Oaks and District League:Match 7:Division One:- Sportsmans Rest 7 (J.Dunn 130b,135,2×100, D.Watkins 100,140, A.Whitehouse 110b,100,126f, A.Stainfield 2×100,180, T.Kelly 140, B.Hughes 100f, D.Keatley 125,100,140, J.Sabin 100) Deer’s Leap 2 (J.Wickett 100, P.Morris 111b,100, T.Ross 100,117, R.Nolan 112b,100,121, A.Kimberley 120b,131,140, C.Hollander 2×100), Cross Keys PPA 3 (S.Murray 2×100, T.O’Kereke 120b,2×100,140, C.Hennessey 100, K.Jarvis 3×100, D.Jarvis snr 135,100) Hill Social 6 (T.Vickers 3×100,110, C.Vickers 100, J.D.Watt 125, D.Vickers 3×100,121,140,101, T.Evans 116b,2×100, P.Chamberlain 140,112,100), Anvil Nomads 6 (M.Smith 112b, G.Gaughan 128, D.Walton 112b,100, M.Gaughan 127, 112b,2×100,128, N.Harley 140,113f, P.Guesford 140) Old Oscott WMC 3 (R.Bennett 100b,114b,100, D.Kempster 100, J.Tolley 108b,100,137, A.James 4×100,120, N.Hawkley 100, D.Fletcher 139, P.Burgess 100), Boldmere Sports 8 (K.Day 101b,100,2×122, A.Day 101b,104,125,100, C.Morgan 120b,3×100,2×140, D.Phillips 2×100,102,122, C.Symonds 117) Red Lion Flights 1 (D.Bond 5×100, S.Lysaght 100b, J.Green 131, S.Andrews 100,140, J.Yates 100, A.Cartwright 100, M.Gair 154f), Division Two:- Pint Pot Flights 7 (G.Cookson 100b, J.Moon 2×100, M.Allen 135, J.Mutch 120b,100) Deer’s Leap Flights 2 (S.Baker 100, A.Kimberley 100, A.Wale 2×100, M.Powell 100), Oscott Social 5 (J.Leydon 100,136, D.Shannon 100, S.Shorthouse 2×100, K.Shorthouse 160b,100, L.Shorthouse 2×100, M.Westmorland 125) Pint Pot 4 (M.O’Driscoll 100, J.Vickers 120,100b,100, C.Harris 100,101, L.Clarke 100,160, K.Tooze 105,119,100), The Fox 6 (C.Willetts 103b,137, M.Harris 113, J.Harris 100,140, R.Macken 4×100,122, M.Willetts 140, D.Perry 140) Aston Social 3 (J.Lynch 116b, J.West 2×100, R.George 2×100, J.Figgitt 100b,132), Old Oscott Arrows 7 (M.Maher 125,2×100, L.Jones 180,2×100, E.Atkins 2×100,140, M.Compton 116b, R.Kenyon 100, J.Higgins 100) Bromford Lions 2 (R.Green 100, A.Pritchett 140,109f, D.Lewis 100), Plough and Harrow Arrows 3 (A.Humphriss 106b,101, N.Robbins 140, D.McLaughlin 100, M.Hawkins 100, P.Seadon 100) Royal Oak Ruffians 6 (M.Kenny 100,125,121,2×140,180, K.Blair 121, P.Hearty 107b,127, J.Neal 100).


Brook Meadow Double Top League:Week 3:First Round:- J.Smith 2 (135) J.Fathers 1, A.Gallett 2 (100,2×140) S.Bliss 0, T.Frost 2 (3×100,2×140,180) R.Wilson 1 (2×100,140), J.Evans 2 (100,3×140,125) J.Lee 1 (2×100,135), M.Gallett 2 (100,2×140,125) T.Comerford 1 (4×100,104f), K.Kelly 0 (2×100) I.McFarlane 2 (3×100,174,180,121f,12 darts game), T.Blakemore 1 (2×100,118) M.Elkin 2 (100), C.Winters – bye, ’A’Knockout:Quarter Finals:- A.Gallett 2 (100,2×140,121,105) J.Smith 3 (2×100,125), I.McFarlane 3 (5×100,2×140,135,114f) M.Gallett 1 (100,2×140,125), J.Evans 0 (4×100,140) T.Frost 3 (4×100,140,121), M.Elkin 0 (100) C.Winters 3 (100,140,115f), Semi Finals:- I.McFarlane 3 (100,2×140,135,180) C.Winters 0 (100), T.Frost 3 (2×100,3×140,126f,13 darts game) J.Smith 0 (100,140), Final:- I.McFarlane 3 (5×100,2×140,147f) T.Frost 1 (2×100,140,134,110,2×180), ’B’ Knockout:Quarter Finals:- J.Lee 0 R.Wilson 2 (100,140), K.Kelly 2 (100,2×140) T.Comerford 1 (3×100,140), S.Bliss 1 (100) J.Fathers 2 (100), T.Blakemore bye, Semi Finals:- R.Wilson 2 (3×100) J.Fathers 0 (2×100), K.Kelly 2 (123) T.Blakemore 1 (100,125), Final:- K.Kelly 0 (100,135,125) R.Wilson 2 (100,140,122), Week 4:First Round:- C.Winters 2 J.Evans 1 (2×140,134,121,120), T.Blakemore 0 (2×100,2×140) T.Frost 2 (4×100), S.Bliss 0 K.Kelly 2, M.Gallett 2 (5×100,140,130) J.Smith 1 (3×100,125), J.Fathers 0 (140) A.Gallett 2 (100,140,125), T.Comerford 2 (100,140,121) J.Lee 1 (105), R.Wilson 1 (4×100,2×140) M.Elkin 2 (100,2×140), I.McFarlane 2 (3×100,180) C.Davis 0 (2×140), ’A’ Knockout:Quarter Finals:- M.Elkin 3 (140) T.Comerford 1 (3×100), M.Gallett 1 (100,140,139) A.Gallett 3 (100,140,125,120,116), C.Winters 0 (4×100) K.Kelly 3 (2×100,137,120), T.Frost 1 (100,140,125) I.McFarlane 3 (5×100,140,180), Semi Finals:- M.Elkin 0 (2×100,135) A.Gallett 3 (2×100), K.Kelly 0 (100,127,125,180) I.McFarlane 3 (2×100,140,2×134,122), Final:- A.Gallett 0 (100,2×140) I.McFarlane 3 (3×100,3×140,180), ’B’ Knockout:Quarter Finals:- J.Smith 1 (100) J.Fathers 2 (2×100,121), R.Wilson 2 (2×100,140) J.Lee 0 (100), J.Evans 2 (2×100,121) S.Bliss 0, T.Blakemore 2 (2×100,138) C.Davis 1 (3×100), Semi Finals:- R.Wilson 2 (2×100,121) J.Fathers 0 (140), J.Evans 2 (100,2×140,135) T.Blakemore 0, Final:- R.Wilson 2 (2×100,2×140) J.Evans 0 (2×100).


Coffin Club Knockout League:Week 6:First Round:- C.Davis 0 J.Evans 2 (2×140,100), R.Earl – bye, P.Larden – bye, T.Rainsford 1 (4×100) J.Green 2 (2×100,121,117f), T.Frost 2 (2×100,124) M.Osbourne 0, N.Parsonage 0 (2×100,140) J.Burdett 2 (140,2×100), T.Comerford – bye, R.Parry – bye, ’A’ Knockout:Quarter Finals:- J.Evans 3 (4×100,121,5×140) R.Earl 0 (7×100), P.Larden 1 (2×100,140) J.Green 3 (2×100,4×125,140,120f), T.Frost 3 (5×100,121,123,2×140,180) J.Burdett 2 (9×100,125,135), T.Comerford 2 (8×100,121,140) R.Parry 3 (6×100), Semi Finals:- J.Evnas 3 (3×100,110,140,180) J.Green 1 (100,123,125,2×180), T.Frost 3 (2×100,4×140,180) R.Parry 1 (4×100), Final:- J.Evans 2 (2×100,125,3×140) T.Frost 3 (6×100,121,140,2×180), ’B’ Knockout:Quarter Finals:- C.Davies – bye, T.Rainsford – bye, M.Osbourne 1 (3×100,121,135,140) N.Parsonage 2 (3×100,125), Semi Finals:- C.Davis 2 (3×100) T.Rainsford 1 (2×100,116), N.Parsonage – bye, Final:- C.Davis 1 (100,2×140) N.Parsonage 2 (100,125,2×140).


Pip Club League:Division One:- Belgrave Club 4 Three Horse Shoes 4, Dolphin 4 Sports Bar Club 4, Wiggy 180 2 Glascote Club 6, Winning Post 4 Globe Inn 4, Division Two:- Two Gates Club 4 Gate Inn (Amington) 4, Bull (Polesworth) 6 North Warwick Cricket Club 2, Red Lion (Willencote) 5 Kettlebrook Club 3.


GULP League:- Who’s 0 Beasts 7 (G.Naylor 132, K.Bevan 120b, S.Bevan 100, S.Ollerenshaw 103b,100b,100), Lions 3 (D.Webb 100, E.Bullock 100, J.Francis 100) Devils 4 (J.Young 100, Jean Forde 180,121, J.McCaffrey 134).

