Sheldon and District Winter League:Week 5:Premier Division:- Saltley Amateur Gardeners 6 (N.Clarke 2x120b,135,10 darts game, T.Randell 100b,140, A.Caddick 100b, P.Randell 140, T.Webster 123) Sheldon Dukes 3 (M.Hicks 140,180,9 darts game, D.Savage 120b, C.Tombs 101, L.Molyneux 2x112b, P.Curry 105b), Mackadown Social 4 (D.Young 100b, B.Allen 121, A.McCrave 121,100b, P.Moran 101b, A.Sheen 140) Shard End RBL 5 (N.Parsonage 140, A.Mayell 140, A.Grainger 106b), Olton RBL 7 (A.Hutchings 100f,140, D.Hutchings 140, J.Sidwell 125, M.Wall 134, S.Kennedy 137, C.John 133) Saxon 2 (M.Tickle 140, J.Ridler 125, P.Higgins 105b, T.Pearce 119, J.Barrington 140), Castle Vale Residents Association 4 (R.Vann 101, R.Franks 120b,125,9 darts game, B.Cadby 120b, R.Rose 133, A.Barber 118) RAFA 5, Shirley RBL 5 (C.Johnson 140,100b, K.Hopton 120b,135, A.Stuart 112b, D.Hesketh 140,121, V.Lloyd 128, T.Dixon 109b, K.Bygrave 140) Brook Meadow 4 (D.Hogan 121, D.Elliott 125,102b, C.Betteridge 136b,137, J.Farthers 138), Division One:- Kingshurst Labour Club 6 (K.Green 110, L.Reece 103b, D.Whitehouse 110b, P.Ladren 103) Scanlons 3 (A.Hawkins 142b, C.Thomas snr 113, K.Wilson 100b, C.Lucas 136), Small Heath Gardeners Flights 2 (P.Newton 140, C.Willmott 140) Stechford Social 7 (P.Carey 2x101b,140,9 darts game, T.Evans 140, B.Salter 120b,115b, C.Sammons 116b, A.Greenwood 125, W.Skinner 125), Yardley Ex Colts 6 (P.Hill 100b, B.Mason 140, G.McDonnell 121) Shard End Social 3 (M.Powers 105b, H.Kelly 111f), Shard End RBL Vikings 5 (R.Cheshire 122,107b, P.Bryan 112b) Lea Hall Sports and Social 4 (T.Healy 140,125, D.Timmins 120b), Iron Horse 5 (D.Kilbey 101b,116b, P.Barlow 107b, D.Mortiboys 105b,106f, J.Burdett 123f,140, J.Green 101b, R.Parry 180) Vaughans 4 (A.Spencer 121, T.Daly 140,152b, John Duffy 122, P.O’Sullivan 122), Sheldon Social 7 (P.Cook 103b,140) Yardley Ex Flights 2 (R.Simons 120, D.Wright 101, C.Deegan 140, P.Welch 140), Division Two:- Golden Acres 5 (E.Foster 101, K.Fisher 105b,101) Millhouse 4, Shannons 9 (D.Smith 101b, D.Carter 100b) Barley Mow 0, Willclare Sports and Social 5 (T.Guest 120b, R.Allen 146b, A.Wilcock 133) Small Heath Amateur Gardeners 4 (R.Harrison 100b, I.Durrington 125,123, P.McCrave 160,117, N.McCrave snr 140, C.Harrison 112, M.Bayliss 140), Week 4 Late Result Division Two:- Highwood 7 (M.Andrews 100b, N.Comerford 100b, P.Evans 105, A.Tootill 160b, D.Kelly 140) Small Heath Amateur Gardeners 2 (I.Durrington 117, J.Boyle 120,120b).


Four Oaks and District League:Brian Goodman Single Cup:Preliminary Round:- Old Oscott WMC 6 (R.bennett 141, P.Burgess 150b, N.Hawkley 120,108f, J.Tolley 100, D.Haynes 100, M.Wood 100b,120b,121) Boot Flights 3 (M.Norton 100b, M.Westmorland 100, G.Gaughan 139, M.Gaughan 112b,100), Boldmere Sports 6 (D.Phillips 100, C.Morgan 100, W.Cadby 2×100, G.M.Bowen 3×100,121, A.Day 100,140, J.Roberts 100) Plough and Harrow Arrows 3 (A.Kavanagh 100, P.Smith 125, N.Robbins 100, N.Hawkins 100,120b, D.McLaughlin 2×100), Pint Pot Flights 4 Pint Pot 5, Cross Keys PPA 3 (S.Murray 140,100, M.Sheppard 100,105b,140) Old Oscott Arrows 6 (M.Compton 2×100,113, A.Cole 112, M.Maher 2×100, E.Atkins 100, D.Higgins 100, L.Jones 100b, A.Lea 100), Coronation Shield Doubles:Preliminary Round:- Oscott Social 8 (S.Shorthouse 140, L.Shorthouse 140, K.Shorthouse 2×100, J.Leydon 2×100, D.Shannon 100,140, R.Leydon 140,100, P.Bricknall 109) Bromford Lions 7 (A.Pritchett 2×100, R.Green 121,100, D.Lewis 140, P.Byrne 2×100, D.Jarvis 132,100, D.Edkins 2×100, M.Taylor 100, D.Sargent 140), Sportsmans Rest 12 (J.Dunn 160b,100b,2×100,140, D.Keatley 3×100, J.Collins 100,121, D.Watkins 112b,108,140,2×100, Jamie Sabin 2×100) Aston Social 3 (J.West 3×100, J.Lynch 2×100, R.J.Figgitt 100, M.Liggins 140, R.George 2×100,140,120, G.Lynch 110,100), Sutton Sports 13 (C.Millward 119, I.Scattergood 100,140, P.Seadon 105b, M.Kane 137,140,100b,3×100, T.Lewis 100, S.Paling 135, L.Harris 3×100,135, M.Wild 120,180, J.Kavanagh 2×140,100,109b,17 darts game) The Fox 2 (D.Perry 100, K.Shepherd 2×100,115,112b, R.Macken 101,140, N.Harris 140, M.Willetts 2×100, C.Willetts 120b, J.Harris 140, B.French 2×100, D.Robinson 100), Deer’s Leap Flights 7 (C.Turnbull 140, C.Kimberley 100, A.Kimberley 2×100, S.Baker 180, M.Deathridge 105b,100,2×125) Royal Oak Ruffians 8 (B.Hicks 140, M.Kenny 100,131, P.Hearty 121, A.Sherry 100,140, K.Dean 100).

