Four Oaks and District League:Week 2:Division One:- Old Oscott WMC 3 (D.Fletcher 100,160, R.Hasluck 112,118b, N.Hawkley 125,112b,3×100,140,134, A.James 6×100, J.Tolley 100) Sutton Sports 6 (S.Paling 2×140,136, C.Millward 120b,160b,100, G.Bushell 105b,2×100, J.Kavanagh 120b,100b, P.Seadon 140, M.Wild 100, B.Linnecor 101b), Sportsmans Rest 7 (D.Keatley 2x100b, D.Watkins 100,140, J.Green 105,100, J.Dunn 100,140, A.Whitehouse 2×100, L.Glover 140,100) Boldmere Sports 2 (W.Cadby 3×100, K.Day 123,115b,100, D.Phillips 104, C.Morgan 3×100,100b,139, A.Day 2×100,136), Anvil Nomads 4 (N.Harley 124b, D.Walton 100,112b, W.Chinn 100, C.Forsyth 100,123, D.Jones 120, A.Carter 100) Hill Social 5 (T.Vickers 110b,111,125, G.Baxter 100, T.Evans 100, D.Vickers 105b,100b,2×100,140, P.Chamberlain 100,140), Deer’s Leap 4 (A.Kimberley 100b, G.Olfield 140, J.Owen 100, P.Morris 100, T.Ross 2×100, C.Hollender 100,148b) Cross Keys PPA 5 (C.Hennessey 100,134, K.Jarvis 112b,139, S.Murray 3×100,140, M.Sheppard 120b,100), Division Two:- Pint Pot 1 (C.Harris 2×100, S.Gow 2×100, K.Tooze 180) Old Oscott Arrows 8 (A.Lea 122,119f,140, L.Jones 101,100, A.Cole 123, B.Cattell 125, M.Compton 121,140,108b,2×100,135), Royal Oak Ruffians 2 (P.Hearty 121, B.Hicks 120b, M.Kenny 100b,100, A.Sherry 100) Pint Pot Flights 7 (G.Cookson 2×100, H.Hawkeswood 2×100,102b, C.Williams 119f,129f), The Fox 6 (M.Harris 3×100,140, C.Willetts 101,123,100, B.French 100, M.Willetts 2×100) Bromford Lions 3 (D.Jarvis jnr 140,112b, R.Green 100, P.Byrne 2×100,101b,105b,2×140, D.Lewis 100,125, M.Taylor 100, A.Pritchett 152b,117,140,9 darts game), Aston Social 8 (G.Lynch 140,2×100, J.West 115b,121,9darts game, J.Lynch 2×100, C.Hill 112b, K.Yates 123,125, R.George 120b,132,100,130, J.Figgitt 133) Deer’s Leap Flights 1 (B.Wall 2×100, C.Kimberley 114b, M.Deathridge 140, S.Baker 100,140), Oscott Social 6 (S.Shorthouse 105,100, K.Shorthouse 120b,101b, D.Shannon 2×100,140,122, J.Leydon 100,140, L.Shorthouse 128b,100) Plough and Harrow Arrows 3 (A.Humphriss 100, N.Robins 120b,2×100, P.Seadon 100, M.Miller 100, D.McLaughlin 100, N.Hawkins 100,104f).
Small Heath League:Match 7:- Wagon and Horses 3 Victoria Flights 6, Beau Brummie 3 Small Heath Amateur Gardeners 5, Emerald Club 5 Victoria 301 Club 4 (B.Phipps 177), Custard House 5 Potcheen Still 4.
Sheldon and District Winter League:Week 4:Premier Division:- Saltley Amateur Gardeners 8 (N.Clarke 120b,125,9 darts game, P.Allen 140, J.Randell 120b,145,137, A.Caddick 140, T.Randell 118,100b,177,7 darts game, T.White 121,180, T.Webster 128) Saxon 1 (T.Pearce 110, B.Westley 117), Mackadown Social 7 (D.Marshall 140, M.Heaven 119f,121, I.Spencer 137, M.Noonan 120b,100b, W.Taylor 140, P.Moran 100b) Olton RBL 2 (A.Hutchings 100b,140,120b,131, D.Hutchings 120b,100b, J.Sidwell 135, C.John 110b), Castle Vale Residents Association 4 (I.Lloyd 120b, R.Simner 140, D.Phillips 101) Sheldon DUkes 5 (D.Savage 125, J.Cartmell 125, L.Molyneux 140, A.Savage 2×121, C.Grimes 140), Brook Meadow 7 (D.Hogan 140, J.Lee 115, K.Kelly 140) Pavilions 2 (R.Evans 120b, B.Bourne 123,140), Shirley RBL 3 (A.Hoy 125,120b, A.Stuart 105, D.Hesketh 140, K.Bygrave 106b, T.Blake 140) RAFA 6 (T.Martin 2×140, K.Sheppard 160b, D.Howlett 112b), Division One:- Kingshurst Labour Club 3 (G.Green 124, L.Reece 116, M.Evans 112b, G.Whitehouse 123,116,140) Shard End Social 6 (M.Kirwan 120, M.Powers 105, R.Allen 101, H.Kelly 107b), Small Heath Gardeners Flights 5 (D.Pountney 140, P.Cornes 125, K.Jaggers 140,120b, K.Dowling 120) Yardley Ex Colts 4 (C.Wheeler 105b, A.Slater 112f,100b, B.Mason 125), Shard End RBL Vikings 2 (N.Rhodes 108b, J.Morrissey 100b, J.Garagher 130f, M.Topliss 160b,10 darts game,120b) Stechford Social 7 (A.Greenwood 101, A.Smith 120b,10 darts game), Iron Horse 6 (D.Mortiboys 122, R.Parry 180, F.Ensell 121) Scanlons 3 (G.Davis 108b, C.Thomas snr 120b,100b), Yardley Ex Flights 5 (S.Whadcock 110b, M.Byrne 101) Lea Hall Sports and Social 4 (M.Tilley 101b, J.Phipps 128b), Sheldon Social 4 Vaughans 5 (M.O’Sullivan 122, J.Rafter 130f), Division Two:- Old Bill and Bull 9 (P.Henderson 148f) Barley Mow 0, Golden Acres 5 (L.Barberan 140, P.Nolan 105b) Shannons 4 (P.Freeman 139,140, A.Bailey 140, J.Franklin 140), Custard House 5 (A.Wale 120b, K.Moloney 120b,114b) Millhouse 4, Willclare Sports and Social 9 (T.Guest 120b, P.Horsley 100b, D.Allen 140) Bordesley Labour Club 0.