Belgrave Social Individual League sponsored by Coors Brewery:Week 16:- D.Mountjoy 1 (101,2×100) S.Hine 2 (140,130,5×100), G.Mills 3 (140,5×100) P.Jones 0 (2×100), J.Green 1 (140,135,2×100) D.Mountjoy 2 (140,137,4×100), J.Turner 1 (140,132,122) P.Jones 2 (140,120,110f), S.Hine 3 (2×140,125,123,100) M.Bagley 0 (2×140,2×100), T.Clinton 0 (140,121,100) L.Thompson 3 (140,125,2×100), I.Gould 3 (137,3×100) S.Cain 0 (140,125,2×100), R.Baker 0 (140,4×100) D.Mountjoy 3 (3×140,135,123,121,101), G.Clinton 1 (180,140,125,102,100) L.Thompson 2 (180,140,4×100,114f), S.Hawkes 1 (180,2×140,121,100) J.Green 2 (180,140,135,134,125,2×100,13 darts game), D.Mountjoy 2 (3×140,100) D.Jones 1 (140,3×100), S.Mitton 3 (140,5×100) P.Jones 0 (3×100), S.Dwyer 1 (3×140,123,2×120,100) S.Hine 2 (2×140,135,125,4×100), G.Clinton 0 (3×140,3×100) I.Gould 3 (140,3×125,100), M.Chater 3 (118,3×100) C.Winters 0 (3×100), G.Mills 3 (180,3×140,125,100) S.Hawkes 0 (4×100), R.Baker 0 (2×140) S.Mitton 3 (2×140,121,100), D.Jones 3 (180,140,2×121,3×100) S.Williams 0 (2×100), L.Thompson 3 (140,133,2×100) J.Turner 0 (100), G.Clinton 2 (180,121,120,100) D.Fardon 1 (3×140,100).


Harborne and District Summer League:Division One:- Ladywood Social 6 (J.Meredith 101b,120b, J.McGladdern 140, R.Kinsella 120b, T.Byrne 2×100,135, S.Hooper 140, J.Merrick 100,140) Highlander 3 (L.McKeown 100, D.Marshall 3×100, C.Seery 2×100, P.Morris 100), Hillyfields 3 (S.Pasetti 120b, M.Lyden 135,134, J.Best 140,100, P.Turner 2×100, S.Joyce 100, M.O’Donnell 139,117f) George 6 (M.Ingram 140,100, S.Heeley 2×140,100b, A.Stevens 105b, B.Cowan 180,100, T.Cannon 100,135,105, JCannon 4×100,100b,140,121), Division Two:- Avenue Social 3 (T.Williams 140, T.Morton 180,122,140, D.Harris 180, G.Grant 115b,100,120b,115, P.McLaughlan 100b) Smethwick Labour Club 6 (P.Sandall 121, G.Taylor 5×100, B.Hadley 2×140,100,120, K.Wallace 100,100b, V.Gould 100,180,120b, T.Glover 140, B.Melvin 100b), Travellers Rest 4 (M.Williams 121, R.Martin 134, W.Godwin 125,100) Punchbowl 5 (K.Harding 100, R.Triplett 102, R.Hipson 100,100b, D.Ubhi 160b, J.Kearns 100, L.Evans 136b), Hobsons Choice 8 (S.Wenlock 140, K.Pemberton 100, S.Birkett 2×100,120b, D.Birch 100, C.Winters 2×100, R.O’Neill 140) Pheasant 1 (J.Gaskin 100,140,112b, D.McPike 121, A.Brookes 140, L.Brinton 100, K.Day 134b, D.Glasgow 100), Division Three:- Bartley Green Social F.C. 5 (S.Todd 140, P.Mason 2×100, D.Kelleher 120,125,130b) Sto9nehouse 4 (S.Hackett 100, A.Morrison 100).


Sheldon and District Summer League:Mrs F.Richman Trophy:Semi Finals:- RAFA 1 Three Horse Shoes 6, Shard End RBL Flights 1 Sheldon Heath Social Dukes 6 (K.Grimes 180), Final:- Three Horse Shoes 3 (I.Spencer 11 darts game, 100,140,100,61f) Sheldon Heath Social Dukes 4 (K.Grimes 180).




