Belgrave Social Individual League sponsored by Coors Brewery:Week 5:- B.Evritt 0 G.Mills 3 (140,3×100,107f), A.Duffy 0 (140,100) S.Mitton 3 (140,139,3×100), C.Winters 2 (180,140,100) S.Dwyer 1 (2×140,3×100), M.Smith 2 (140,130,125,3×100) D.Barnes 1 (125,3×100), D.Mountjoy 3 (180,3×100) S.Cain 0 (140,2×100), I.Gould 2 (106,100) D.Fardon 1 (121,100), S.Winters 1 (3×100) P.Guesford 2 (2×140,113), G.Mills 2 (140,139,3×100,110f) D.Mountjoy 1 (140,2×100), S.Williams 1 (5×100) C.Winters 2 (2×140,117,3×100), A.Luckman 1 (3×100) G.Clinton 2 (180,125,121), J.Green 1 (140,125,105,5×100) P.Guesford 2 (140,135,100), S.Dwyer 3 (180,125,4×100) M.Smith 0 (3×100), M.Slater 2 (180,140,4×100) A.Duffy 1 (2×140,135,125,2×100), D.Fardon 2 (180,131,126,3×100) S.Williams 1 (125,7×100), S.Hawkes 3 (180,6×100) P.Jones 0, S.Cain 2 (140,4×100) C.Winters 1 (123,2×100), A.Luckman 2 (140,3×100) S.Winters 1 (3×100), I.Gould 2 (5×100) C.Farrington 1 (140,122), P.Guesford 2 (120,3×100) A.Duffy 1 (140,102,2×100), G.Clinton 1 (140,5×100) M.Chater 2 (140,4×100), C.Farrington 1 (2×140,100) J.Turner 2 (140,136,3×100).


Harborne and District Summer League:Division One:- Midland Red 9 (D.Bourne 100,140, C.Steadman 100,140, T.McGlone 122f,180,100, J.Steadman 180, P.Brotherton 100, G.Smith 100, D.Lee 100) Bartley Green Social Club 0 (P.Blades 105, I.Butler 100, R.Taverner 100, T.Cutler 101b), Hillyfields 6 (M.Lyden 140,120b, S.Pasetti 2×100, P.Turner 121,100, J.Best 100,133,125, S.Joyce 100, G.Wilkes 120,101b) Highlander 3 (J.Lacey 2×100, D.Marshall 2×100, M.Gregory 112b, M.Willis 3×100), Ladywood Social 4 (M.Littleford 100,140,153f, J.Meredith 100, R.Kinsella 120b,100, P.Hewitt 120b,2×100,11 darts game, T.Byrne 120b, J.Merrick 100, P.Parry 100) Raven 5 (B.Davenport 2×100,125, J.Good 100,140, T.Hamilton 100,140, T.Parsons 100, D.Windsor 100), Division Two:- Hobsons Choice 5 (P.O’Neill 100b,125, S.Wenlock 100, K.Pemberton 102, S.Birkett 2×100, D.Birch 100, D.Hempenstall 120, R.O’Neill 111) Cock Inn 4 (A.O’Sullivan 100, P.Parsons 100, P.Barlow 3×100, N.Evans 4×100, C.Charles 100), Smethwick Labour Club 8 (S.O’Brian 2×100, G.Taylor 4×100,100b, B.Hadley 100,152b, M.Wakefield 140, K.Wallace 100,102,140, V.Gould 100,110,140,113f, B.Melvin 100, B.Sandall 137) Travellers Rest 1 (R.Martin 121, A.Rose 112b, M.Sewell 100, P.Cuthill 111b, P.Shelton 125), Avenue Social 6 (T.Morton 2×100,140,125, D.Harris 2×100,2×140, G.Grant 100, P.McLaughlin 100) Pheasant 3 (I.Reacord 100, N.Buton 123, J.Gaskin 120, C.Field 100, L.Brinton 122, K.Day 100), Division Three:- Harborne Stores 8 (B.Langham 140, R.Mann 100,108f, A.Quarry 160b,100, M.Lynch 118b, T.Warren 101) Greenlands Social 1 (S.Hough 120b, L.McDonald 138), Highlander Flights 4 (H.Cotton 110b, A.Smith 100,120, L.Pythian 121) W.C.WMC 5 (S.Hemus 125, A.Ellis 100, D.Harland 100, J.Harland 180), Coopers Arms 7 (P.Mann 101,100, B.England 100,140, G.Kennard 100,100b, G.Bean 3×100, R.Wheeler 105, M.Leith 100, M.Warr 140,100) Stonehouse 2 (S.Hackett 140, J.Fallon 100).


Longwood League:Division One:- Queens ‘A’ 4 White Lion 4, Red Lion ‘B’ 5 Red Lion ‘A’ 3, Gate Inn 4 Globe 4, Dolphin 6 Queens ‘B’ 2, Division Two:- Cue Sports Club 2 Two Gates Club 6, Kettlebrook 0 Plough and Harow 8, Jolly Sailor 3 Mercian 5, Royal Oak 4 Three Horse Shoes 4.


Camp Hill and District League:- Black Horse ‘B’ 3 Gunmakers 6, Red Lion 8 Cricketers 1, Roost 3 Black Horse ’A‘ 6, Shannons 6 Antelope 3.


Forest of Arden Winter League:- Old Bill and Bull 5 Mackadown Social 4, Old Bill and Bull 4 Sheldon Heath Social Flights 5, Presidents Cup:Final:- Highwood Arrows 6 (A.Hutchings 120b,100, B.Nixon 100, J.Norris 100, K.Attwood 120, P.Nunn 121,100, S.Kennedy 108b,136) Highwood 1 (D.Norris 100, P.Norris 2×100, J.Mason 100), Consolation Cup:Final:- Harvester 4 (T.Price 110f, P.Franks 120b, P.Staite 100, D.Hougham 100,120b, C.Busby 100, M.Burrows 100,125, T.Comerford 100) Hobs Meadow 5 (J.Harris 100,113, L.Harris 112b,100,140, W. Matthews 2x100b,140,135, M.Benson 100b, M.Gorste 124f,100).

