Forest of Arden Winter League:- Stechford Social 9 (B.Salter 121,100, A.Hinton 120,2×100, M.Osborne 100, T.Bellamy 140, G.McGill 140, D.James 100) Mackadown Social 0 (J.McGuigan 140, D.Whing 120, W.Bryan 100, C.Shirley 100, E.McGuigan 131), Sheldon Heath Social Flights 5 (S.Hunt 112b,100, T.Roach 100b, S.Searle 100, L.Molyneux 100, L.Allwood 140, D.Roberts 133, S.Palmer 105b, D.Pendleton 100) Hobs Meadow 4 (M.Gorste 2×100, M.Benson 109, M.Gwalchmai 146b,100, W.Mathews160b,105,100, J.Harris 100b, P.Higgins 140), Highwood 3 (K.Gibbs 160b,135, J.Mason 140, P.Norris 127, A.Cooke 131,123,100) Glades 6 (A.Savage 180, J.Turnbridge 100, M.Cooper 2x106b,140,137, K.Fisher 120,100, C.Grimes 2×100,100b, P.Sumner 111b,103b), Three Horse Shoes 6 (J.Lucas 100, J.Warner 112b,101b,132,100, R.Radford 125, C.Thomas 123, J.Gilfoyle 100) Harvester 3 (C.Busby 129f,100, P.Franks 120,100b,100, P.Maund 140, P.Staite 2×100), Cock and Hens 4 (A.Hawkins 100b,140,9 darts game, P.Hussey 116b,123,134,100, G.W.Smith 100) Old Bill and Bull 5 (A.Install 101b,100, B.Charlton 100), Farringdon Social 4 (A.Sleath 2×100, P.Cornes 100f, B.Phipps 125,100, D.Sleath 112, R.Read 100b,120,100,100f, R.Green 100) Highwood Arrows 5 (C.John 100, P.Nunn 100, J.Norris 120b,140,100, A.Hutchings 120, J.Sidwell 5×100,120, K.Attwood 180,100,140, D.Hutchings 105,136f), Hobs Meadow Mixes 4 (M.Winters 120, R.Marsden 125, B.Anderton 2×100,140, J.Zimmerman 140) Red Arrows 5 (C.Vann 101b, B.Twist 123, A.Jackson 100, A.Price 121, B.Edwards 112b).
Belgrave Individual League:Week 6:- R.Baker 0 A.Duffy 3 (137,125,121,5×100,101f,15 darts game), L.Thompson 2 (140,136,3×100) R.Mills 1 (139), M.Chater 2 (180,2×140,139,111,100) J.Williams 1 (140,100), M.Smith 3 (140,121,2×100) T.Clinton 0 (180,2×100), M.Brown 3 (180,2×100) P.M.Jones 0, R.Thompson 3 (140,3×100) I.Gould 0 (140,121,106), R.Lawrence 1 (2×140,2×123,2×100) M.Slater 2 (3×100), S.Tarbuck 2 (140,137,4×100) G.Clinton 1 (2×180,112,3×100), M.Brown 2 (2×140,4×100) G.Mills 1 (140,5×100), J.Green 1 (125,4×100) C.Farrington 2 (125,121,4×100,120f), R.Singh 3 (180,3×100) I.Gould 0 (125,123,3×100), R.Baker 1 (147,121,2×100) D.White 2 (180,2×121,2×100), M.Bagley 1 (180,3×140,2×100) S.Cain 2 (2×140,136,120,2×100), C.Farrington 3 (4×140,4×100) J.Turner 0 (140), L.Thompson 1 (2×140,101,5×100) M.Smith 2 (180,2×140,135), M.Chater 1 (140,5×100) S.Tarbuck 2 (3×140,2×100), J.Green 3 (140,135,4×100) R.Baker 0 (121,3×100), P.M.Jones 1 D.Barnes 2 (125,100), D.Fardon 2 (180,140,4×100) G.Mills 1 (140,100), R.Lawrence 3 (6×100) D.White 0 (2×140,2×100), S.Cain jnr 1 (180,121,100) S.Hawkes 2 (140,121,2×100,136f), S.Cain 3 (4×140,121,2×100) S.Bagley 0.