Ripley Elite Darts Singles Winter League

The Ripley Elite Darts Singles League is in the process of getting it’s new winter season underway and once again it has attracted a very encouraging 52 players making up two divisions of 26.

With the quality of the players signed up again the season should provide some very entertaining and high class darts.

The full list of players are,

Sportsdale Premier Division:-

Daz Brown

Aden Kirk

Ian Richardson

Pete Slater

Brian Kirk

Andy Baker

Rick Gray

Ian Byard

Ash Spencer

Mel Hopkins

Daz Sinfield

Alan Evans

Reece Spurr

Matt Allsopp

Colin Rich

Joanne Oldershaw

Ant Parry

Kev Wragg

Phil Henshaw

Chick Henstock

Gary Fenn

Paul Baker

Tony Palfreyman

Martyn Cutbush

Ash Fisher

Daz Sullivan

Division One:-

Dave Allcock

Rich Hassall

Clive Fuller

Ray Sallis

Tracey Johnson

Neil Beresford

John Selby

Mike Ivekich

Paul Croson

Mick Gascoine

John Upton

Tim Ray

John Bush

Wes Smith

Andy Selby

Richard Palmer

Dave Slater

Dee Fenn

Chris Breen

Kyle Machin

Jamie Scanlon

Daz Gilbert

Wayne Howe

Dean Tyrell

Lee Stanley

Steve Darcy


Date : 28-09-2012

